What's stopping you to enjoy spring? Headaches, fatigue, weight gain, poor sleep, allergies ... Salvation exists in tea. There are 10 varieties, each of which solves the problem arose spring. See our review.

1. Oolong
(a name that may be on the packaging - Oolong). Oolong Tea increases metabolism. Colours welding - from pale jade (like green tea) to dark golden and dark red. The red tea, the more it helps in losing weight, due to the polyphenols it contains. Four cups of oolong allow 1 small dessert eat without harm to the figures.
2. Passion
(name, which may be on the package - Passion flower). The drink of passion flower has a unique calming effect. If you feel like a "bundle of nerves", then drink the tea from the flowers of Passiflora. It is clear that this tea for insomnia help. Brew a cool drink and drink throughout the day to maintain a calm state.
3. Peppermint tea.
Stop pain in the abdomen. Constipation, bloating, gas - from these ailments drink mint tea, it relieves stress the digestive system. Mint tea relaxes the digestive tract and removes spasms in smooth muscle, which facilitates digestion. It works best not tea bags, and tear mint leaves, immersed in a kettle.
4. Ginger tea.
Stops headache. Ginger tea is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Spicy root helps to block the synthesis of prostaglandins, which cause swelling when a headache. In addition, ginger tea to cope with the nausea caused not only a headache. The best way - do not chew root pieces and boil them in hot water to make tea.
5. Green tea.
Burn fat. The perfect drink for weight loss. Green tea is struggling with bouts of hunger, reduces appetite and cravings for snacks. It is also proved that green tea energizes, no less than the sugar or coffee. And thus it contains zero calories!
6. Valerian.
The best remedy for a healthy sleep. At the same time, valerian root may be used in a variety of ailments, including muscle pain, hot flashes of menopause.
7. Black tea.
It freshens breath. Polyphenols protect from halitosis. Antioxidants can disrupt plaque and other accumulations on the teeth. Rinse the mouth with black tea can stop the growth of bacteria and neutralize the acids that cause tooth decay. However, it is worth remembering that black tea, like coffee, making tooth enamel darker, so it can not replace the conventional toothpaste.
8. Tea from licorice root.
Inhibits sugar cravings. The taste of this drink is sweet, but has only 2 calories per 1 cup. Licorice root is 50 times sweeter than sugar, so only a few drops of the drink to quench the craving for sweets. It is worth remembering that the maximum daily intake of liquorice - 20 grams, its excess would increase blood pressure.
9. Ginkgo.
Improves brain function. Tea made from ginkgo improves mental function, the brain receives the nutrients needed to solve the most complex tasks.
10. Nettle tea.
It helps with allergies. In the spring, many are experiencing hay fever symptoms: stuffy nose, sore throat, red eyes, swollen face ... Nettle - organic antihistamine, relieves itching and nasal congestion. Effectively taking drink twice daily 300 mg. For a taste you can add honey and other herbs.
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