You bought a good curler, you have excellent professional pliers, there is also a great hair, but ... Curling still held just before going outside. There are several reasons why the curl is not that stable. Let's talk about them.
Five Reasons Why curling is not held for a long time:
1. Hair finally cooled (or dried) in curls.
While curling hair should change its properties, then curl will last longer. For example, the curl should stop being wet and become dry, or go from hot to cold state. That is, these transformations take place not when the wave is over, and in the process, when the curl is held with the help of rollers.
The longest curl happens when hair is dry to Roll (rollers). To do this, wash your hair, towel dry, apply a stacking the product, and then create curls using any means: Velcro rolls, rollers, rags, clamps and so on. Do not use on wet hair tongs or other heating tools! Next - let the hair is completely dry, while remaining sound around. It will take a long time, do not expect to be able to dry the head before going to work. At the touch of the hair can be dry, but the inside remains moist.

A good result is obtained if the hair in curl pass from the hot state to the cold. To do this, use tongs utuyuzhki steam or thermo-curlers. The main rule - first completely cool curl and then flatten it.

2. You did not use the styling product.
Styling (or stacking) the product itself does not curl, but it helps keep longer curl. You must select the tool that suits your needs:
- If you use hot tools - you need to thermo-protective agent, and then apply a means for laying.
- If your hair has a natural wave, then it will help extend the mousse to form curls.
- With straight hair you need something big to keep the perm - for example, is a powerful tool for curling mousse strong fixation.

3. You did not use tongs.
Tongs - a wonderful tool that is easy to use, and they provide a wonderful curl, but only if you're doing it right. One of the major mistakes - you're too fast "release" curl. Immediately after you have created a curl with pliers, you are missing one important step - to fix the curl until until it dries. To do this, buy a clip (or clips) and use them to fix the curl until cool hair.

After curling, remove the clamps, shake his head, and your curls are ready. Now they hold out much longer.
4. You take away the thermal rollers too early.
Most instructions advise leaving the hot curlers for 10 or 20 minutes on the hair. But that's okay, if the task is to add volume to hair. If you want curls that will hold all evening, you should wait for full cooling rollers. In our experience, for thick and dense hair, this time may be up to several hours! Therefore, use of thermo-curler when you have enough time.

5. You are too heavy hair.
Curl is very long and thick locks in the home - is not easy. There are several options how to curl hair like that:
- Take as much as possible thin strands, especially around the face. This will reduce their weight and they will not resist curling.
- Slightly podkorotit hair. Cut a few centimeters, if not pity. The shorter the hair, the easier they are.
- Keep your curls as long as possible - at least overnight. The morning will see resilient curls.

Look another idea - how to curl hair with a pressing of & gt; & gt; & gt ;.