When pimples, you need to focus on their treatment. Makeup can only stop - so many people think. However, there are special formulas and textures of decorative cosmetics, which can be used in the treatment of acne. Moreover, they help this process.
- Tonal framework.
If you have pimples or acne, look for tonal resources specifically designed for oily and acne-prone skin. For example, liquid foundation SkinClearing Liquid Makeup by Neutrogena or foundation to control acne Transformer Acne Control Tinted Skin Enhancer of Miracle Skin. These two means are composed of salicylic acid, which allows to influence the soft spots and prevent the development of new ones. In addition, the tonal foundations give the skin a matte finish, removing shine, which makes noticeable irregularities.
- Concealer.
When choosing a concealer usually the same - looking for medical concealers containing salicylic acid. Have these concealers and other useful ingredients such as tea tree oil for the adjunctive treatment of acne. Examples: medical Concealer Acne Treatment Concealer by Murad and Essential Zit Zapping Concealer by Elf
- Color concealer.
Red spots, pimples and redness of the best disguised corrector green, green concealers and correctors neutralize any redness. For example, the corrector green Corrector Concealer Concealer from Maybelline or Photo Finish Color Correcting by Smashbox in the shade Color Adjust (green).
