The three-day-protein fruit diet
 Simple and delicious way to lose a few kilos and cleanse the body. Diet was created by nutritionist Jay Robb. Find out how a diet.

Jay Robb offers fruit cleansing, in which fruits have shown every two hours, and consume protein foods and vegetables. The diet contains protein shakes. The easiest way to make them - to buy in the store ready to shake or protein powder, which is prepared on the basis of cocktails.

For three days the body cleanse diet, begin to get rid of fat. Short term dieting does not allow the body to cause great harm, on the contrary, during the diet is saturated with vitamins and healthy nutrients.

Sample Menu 3-day diet

The first day
The first day - it is, in fact, preparing for the cleansing that will occur in the second and third days.
8 am - protein shake.
Furthermore - every two hours until 6 pm - a protein shake.
After each protein shake to drink 8-12 ounces of water (a large glass or small bottle of water).
18-00 - dinner. 3-6 cups of raw vegetables. You can use 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil with lemon or lime for refueling. Plus 3-6 ounces (85-170g) egg whites or lean meat.

Day of the second and third
In fact, this fruit diet. Every two hours should eat one serving of fruit, starting at 8 in the morning until 16:00. After each fruit - 8-12 ounces of water.
Dinner - vegetable salad with olive oil and lemon juice. Prefer lots of greenery in a salad.

 The three-day-protein fruit diet
 Jay Robb advises
- 3-day diet is best to stick each week (once a week) for 12 weeks in a row, if your goal - weight loss.
- If you just need a detox, go on a diet once a week.
- When you are on a fruit diet, you can not drink anything other than water (no alcohol, coffee, tea, juice, soda).
- Do not use canned, frozen or cooked vegetables and fruits.
Author: Julia Gnedina