Fitness, of course, important, but many are looking for recipes, how to make the skin on the thighs and buttocks, even without exercise, and as soon as possible. We have to have five such proposals.
1. Caffeine.
He did not get rid of cellulite completely, but a homemade scrub with coffee grounds will help a little to tighten the skin and reduce the relief orange peel.
2. Make-up.
Banners and irregularities can mask or self-tanning bronzer oil. On tanned skin cellulite less noticeable.
3. Vibration.
You have heard that Kim Kardashian and Demi Moore - longtime fans vacuum massage? It eliminates the external signs of cellulite, according to the stars. Try too. Purchase a home massager.
4. A more accessible tuning procedure -
Massage Soap
(this soap scrub) or good
massage brush

Massage Soap
5. Chemistry.
But it is not hazardous chemicals. It is the means with salicylic acid to wash the body, they prevent the occurrence of acne, serve as the surface of the skin to detox. In addition to the mechanical exfoliation, chemical peels practice (yes, it is necessary not only to the person, but also the body, especially the buttocks).