Perhaps, massage is one of the most beloved by many procedures. And no wonder, because a good massage is able to positively affect our physical and emotional state. Indeed massage helps us to cope with a number of cosmetic problems - such as excess weight, cellulite, and can also help in dealing with such health problems as a curvature of the spine, muscles clenched. And, of course, massage will help us to come to harmony with oneself and relieve stress after a hard day's work, and, if necessary, and to cheer up.
However, the success of the procedure depends not only on the skillful hands of the master, but also the choice of the cream for massage. Many are convinced that in order to achieve a good result is sufficient to use a regular baby cream and, most important quality that it should be given - is the average fat content that provides the ability to glide. However, this opinion is somewhat misleading. After all, there are many types of massage, each of which has a specific purpose, which means that for each type of massage and cream should be special.
Classic massage
This type of massage is the most common, because in addition to a perfect relaxation and stress reduction, it gives us a good feeling, improves muscle tone and skin elasticity. For this massage the best choice would be a complex cream, which includes vitamins such as A, B, C and E. They are beneficial to the skin, providing anti-aging, firming, regenerating effect.

Also, choose the cream is based on the condition of your skin. For example, if
dry skin
It is recommended to use a massage cream, which is composed of moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. This lanolin, beeswax, and the base oil (e.g., peach oil). Typically, such a cream rather bold, but the massage it perfectly slip and absorbed into the skin.
If you have
sensitive, prone to skin irritations
, Then choose the massage cream, which is present in the composition of soothing, healing and anti-inflammatory component, for example, an extract of celandine, chamomile, tea tree oil.
Often classical massage is used as a quick and effective way to relieve stress and relax. In this case, you will achieve the best effect if you choose a massage cream, based on present essential oils, such as juniper, cedar, ginger. Whichever cream you choose, pay attention to the fact that he has a good slide, not to spread and have a pleasant aroma to you. It is this cream suitable for owners
normal and prone to oily skin

Sometimes massage is a fast and affordable way to relieve pain in the joints or muscles. In this case, selecting a massage cream, pay attention to the fact that it consisted of painkillers and anti-inflammatory components. It can be an extract of marsh cinquefoil, mummy, bee and snake venoms.
Anticellulite massage
Another no less popular type of massage is massage aimed at combating excess weight, figure correction, as well as getting rid of cellulite. Here the choice of the "correct" the cream is particularly important, since this depends largely on the result.

Well proven cream with warming effect, they increase blood circulation in problem areas, thus speeding up the metabolism and contribute to the destruction of fat cells. Typically, they contain an extract of hot pepper, cloves, menthol, cinnamon oil. However, besides these components, a good anti-cellulite cream composition should include ingredients to lift edema providing a drainage effect. This is an extract of the kelp, honey, sea salt, coffee extract.
Equally important to the skin after the procedure to reduce weight and get rid of cellulite, I do not limp and lose elasticity, which is why anti-cellulite cream should contain ingredients strengthen the skin - is vitamin E, lactic acid, stearin.