Your skin at 20, 30, 40 and 50 years
 How you care for your skin in 20 years, is unacceptable to 40. And when it's 60, almost every woman needs a qualitative mode, contain more moisturizing treatments to fight the "drought" that goes "hand hand "aging. And all because over time, the skin cells lose their elasticity and moisture - and our face no longer looks smooth. However, there are many ways to slow the inevitable signs of aging.

You 20

What to expect:   The skin calms down after lifting hormonal teenage years, although the sebaceous glands may still be relatively high .  By the end of the twenties, many women begin to notice a tendency to dryness, in addition, there are the first signs of wrinkles that form around the mouth .  According to Dr. Arnold Klein (Arnold Klein), a leading Californian dermatologist, the skin is often affected by sunlight, aging faster .  To control this process, limit your exposure to the sun and regularly use sunscreen .  I agree with this, and Dr. Mary Ellen Brademas (Mary Ellen Brademas), are shared by a lot of famous people .  "The sun's rays break down collagen and elastin, which are a natural way to help maintain the skin taut and toned condition, resulting in it no longer looks so healthy" .  Keep your skin well hydrated, drink at least 2, 5 liters of water a day and as infrequently as possible, sometimes in the sun - then your face will please you for a long time .

You 30

What to expect:   "Aging is actually starts at 30", - says Dr. Brademas (Brademas). Develop deeper wrinkles as collagen and elastin begin to break down, and our delicate skin under the eyes becomes thinner. She says that, you probably will have a combination skin, oily in the T-zone (on the forehead, nose and chin) and dry in other places, but most often just skin becomes dry. Vienna may begin to appear as tiny red dots, and by the end of the decade - age spots or brown pigmentation from the sun. Even the dream starts to influence the external features. According to Dr. Klein (Klein), wrinkles around the nose and mouth can become deeper on the side on which you are sleeping. If you are a skeptic, you look in the mirror - and realize that he has in mind. Swelling under the eyes can also be a problem, and that she was asleep, it will take more time after waking up. The best advice is - thoroughly moisturize the skin.

  You 40

What to expect:   during this time you should be changed frequently skin care regimen, at least twice a year. Spring and autumn - the best time of year for that. It is very useful to change the cosmetics that you regularly use, because the skin gets used to them and lose luster and shine. Special influence should be paid to anti-aging, which are separate from the conventional system of cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

You 50

What to expect:   By this time, the skin starts to show the true "character" in the form of deep wrinkles and lines that can later develop into the fold .  And all because that in this age of menopause - and the hormone estrogen produced much less .  And without it the skin becomes more fragile and thin .  It also reduces the saturation of the skin with moisture and slows down the production of collagen and elastin .  Explains Dr. Klein (Klein), after a loss of elastic fibers 50 in the skin accelerates, it begins to sag and droop, and even some women, a second chin .  Skin tone also becomes uneven, with an increasing number of pigmented spots .  Sun exposure is critical - if you do not want to aggravate the condition of the skin, protects you against this .  At that age the skin needs tender care .  Choose means intended to turn the 'clock back', but that is not so cut to cause irritation to the skin .
Author: Ann, New York