Correctors for darker skin tones
 For darker skin tones most difficult and important part of the selection is to choose the right cosmetic equalizer, which will hide the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity of dark skin. Judge Margaret Gaupal Nelson reported that due to new products, you can achieve a harmonious way. Currently, cosmetic products are manufactured in large numbers and range, its structure allows to work wonders in the field of make-up. Below we describe the main types of dark skin and products that are suitable for each type.

African-American skin

"For African American women is characterized by pigmentation of the upper lip and chin. The main complaint - ashy, gray and greenish skin tones "- explains Nelson. The main purpose - to get rid of the unnatural, spoiling the image colors. Nelson Tip: transparent brown with peach or orange undertones and low titanium (white ingredient is used as a sunscreen). She also recommends working with two different bases - one for the chin and upper lip, the other - for the nose, which blends expert especially in the presence of customers.

Indian leather

"For this type of skin main problem is dark circles under the eyes. I recommend using a gold-orange concealer to cover up all the flaws, "- explains Nelson. She suggests using a slightly reddish and yellowish shades for this skin type.

Latin Leather

Hispanic skin is generally characterized by yellowish or yellowish-green tone. "If you want to look natural, you just need a little shade yellowness using funds carnation flowers, it gives a natural and healthy shade of your face" - said Nelson.


No matter what type your skin is not treated, a light touch of the sun it can not hurt. To give the skin a tanned look, use bronzers. Fortunately, they are now very much, so you can choose your individual product.