The best natural cosmetics - natural food!
 We - what we eat!
(Folk wisdom)

It has long been recognized that true beauty comes from within. Yes, you should care for your skin and hair, using a variety of cosmetic products, but that is to say, more than a means to restore gloss. Although, at present the progress reached that number beuty-topical products may significantly help to solve a number of problems with the exterior. However, the way we eat and what is crucial for the health and beauty of our skin, hair and nails.

At present, the cosmetics industry is dominated by two seemingly mutually exclusive directions: a return "to the grandmother's recipes" (maximum of natural ingredients of cosmetic products, the maximum rejection of "chemistry") and, on the other hand - the flowering of new technologies to achieve excellent results not lying under the surgeon's knife .  The same picture can be observed in the food industry .  The shops and supermarkets are filled with purified, refined products, which are due to different processing technologies become improved palatability .  Many countries have already sold GMO products .  They are much cheaper than their grown in vivo counterparts, and have a view of where appetizing .  However, multiple studies confirmed their undoubted and substantial harm to our body .  But "natural" fruit and vegetables can be dangerous - grown with the use of nitrates and pesticides, they can cause serious damage not only the appearance but also the health and overall .  It is for this reason develop alternative direction - "environmentally friendly products" .  They are called differently: "organic" or "environmentally friendly" .  In England and the US, they are labeled «organic», Switzerland - «bio», Germany - «oecologisch», France - «issue d'agriculture biologique» .  The popularity of these products is growing worldwide, the reason for that - our concerns about the environment, information about the dangers of the use of nitrates, herbicides or pesticides, as well as the fact that many metabolic disorders and diseases with immune nature, may be associated with an excess of chemical constituents in food and, consequently, in the body . 

The product can get high rank of "organic" if it is grown, stored, processed, packaged and transported without the use of synthetically created by fertilizers, pesticides and genetic modification. At all stages of his life this organic product does not have the right to contact with unnatural substances and components! Moreover, the plants used for organic production, grown on land that is not less than 3-5 years is not exposed to any chemicals. Do not be amiss to note that this method of cultivation is not only eliminating the chemicals in the food we have, but also leaves a clean environment, preserving it for our children. Organically grown vegetables and fruits are less attractive in appearance, they can not be kept in stock for a long time, but they are much tastier and more nutritious ones that are grown in the traditional way. As they have more vitamins, minerals, nutrients and bioactive substances

For Russia, the departments of organic food is a rarity. It is in Europe, unlike in our country, in almost every European or American supermarket present department of organic products. However, eco-friendly products are expensive because of the high cost of production and transportation costs - in fact, organic food largely imported.

In fact, nothing new in this approach to our food there. This return to the pre-industrial era, when all the vegetables and fruit on the ground were environmentally friendly.
Author: Inna Sedykh