Before the holiday a little, dress prepared, but you want something special. Some bright accessory. Do not waste time on endless searches in shops, make a vivid detail of his outfit themselves.
Accessory 1. Long Earrings
Such decoration is very easy to do and you can be sure that the reps, no one will find. These long earrings-tassels to make very simple, even without experience in hand-made. A main advantage of this jewelry - it is easy to combine with your outfit, if you find the right color thread.
For the earrings need:
- Thread floss (ferrous and non-metallic);
- Shvenzy (hooks) for earrings (you can buy in stores for handy people can use the old earrings);
- Rings with a diameter of 1 cm (you can buy them, too, can be used to take earlier, you can make your wire);
- Clear nail polish.

Step 1.
Cut the thread (color) to a length of 16-20 cm. The length depends on how long you want earrings. If it is 10 cm, slice yarn 20 cm long, ie twice the size of the future long earrings. The number of these segments - 20-30 for each earring.

Step 2.
Put chopped strand designed for one earring in the ring. The ring with the threaded into a thread, attach to the fastener.

Now wrap the brush silver or gold thread in one or more locations. No nodes to do. Use to lock the transparent nail polish - a great invisible glue.

All is ready!

2. Accessory Stockings with rhinestones
On this idea inspired the podium (featuring Doo.Ri). Conventional fishnet stockings may be due to a sumptuous luxury accessory shine sequins and beads. And once again captivates the fact that the idea of affordable and money, and skills.

For work required:
- Lace pantyhose (or stockings);
- A thin needle and thread to match the stockings;
- Beads of different sizes and shapes (you can sequins, beads, crystals, precious buttons).

Step 1.
Schedule, where it will be made of beads embroidery. For once strung on needle 4-5 different beads and sew. Do not pull the thread too much - keep in mind that will stretch stockings to wear.

Step 2.
To embroidery looked harmoniously follow the pattern on the tights. Beat "jewels" or line openwork flowers. Do not get carried away, it is enough embroidery just below the knees and front only.
Just half an hour of work, and you have a unique luxury tights!

Advice: Choose thick tights for a more representative species do embroidery symmetrically on two legs, wash by hand only thing ready.
3. Accessory Belt-Basque
Baska fashion. You may not have time to denounce a jacket or skirt with Basques? Do you have such an opportunity, at the same time it is not necessary to empty your credit card. Make the original belt-Basque, with it you can transform a boring dress unique!

For work required:
- A strip of cloth to match the dress or braid in tone;
- Feather boa (feathers can be matching dresses, and can be of any other color);
- Adhesive fabric.
It does not even need step by step instructions. Just glue feathers to the band, leaving the edges of the free strip tape (or tissue) to tie belt on the bow. If you can not find braid in tone with dress, you have typed or hand-sew the edge of the belt.

And believe me, the color scheme can be anything. Elegantly See all in black, but the inclusion of color will not be wrong style. For example, a black belt-Basque background of bright red or bright purple dress. Or, conversely, a bright belt-Basque neutral black background.
