Homemade yogurt: do it yourself!
 Reasons to start making homemade yogurt - plenty. It preservatives and sugar, contained in the purchase yogurt. It is possible allergy in children. Artificial colors and flavors ... In general, you should try to make a safe product. But I have to try. And this will help our practical advice.

To begin with the question: do you eat yoghurt? I, for one, is not in awe of what is sold in supermarkets. As a rule, it is quite liquid substance with strong fruit flavors. Of course, you want something more natural. "Buy plain yogurt" - you tell me. Yes, tried, I did not like the taste. But again, switch to a bright raspberry yogurt or peach flowers not want to. Therefore, if you have not yet decided on their own to make yogurt, but you want to protect yourself as much as possible from artificial additives and colorings, I advise you not to give up the purchased plain yogurt. Their taste can "paint" using a pinch of vanilla, natural frozen berries or natural homemade syrup. This will be your first step to natural yoghurt, after which you will understand exactly what you would like to consume only natural product.

Why a homemade yogurt?
Indeed, its preparation takes a long time and it's not easy. In addition, there are doubts that it will "work", and only the phrase "growing bacteria" at all afraid. But I will try to dispel all these fears and fears. Here are the pros homemade yogurt:
+ There are some cost savings, although I'm the first place never put this principle. But the fact is that homemade yogurt purchased cheaply.
+ Main reason - is, of course, natural. I am responsible for the ingredients of homemade yogurt. And it's not only what we eat. Yogurt Recipes for face and hair is quite efficacious, but do not want to put yourself in the face of the product, which is produced millions of copies on a big production.
+ No waste in the form of empty plastic containers of yogurt, polluting the environment.
+ B each cup purchased yogurt contains about 45 grams. sugar in a liter of homemade yogurt sugar no more than 10-12 grams. Sugar consumption is reduced significantly!

How long will all this take?
Your active participation will take about 15 minutes, but an hour and a half to prepare the yogurt itself, without you, but your presence is required.

The main stages
- Heating milk to sterilization (85 degrees).
- Cooling (up to 38-49 degrees).
- Adding "serum."
- More 4-24 hours yogurt comes to preparedness (for warmer temperatures), the incubation period.

What you need:
- Clean glass jars
- Milk. In principle, any suitable, but I use organic, I buy on the market. However, if this is not possible, at least make sure that the store milk is ultra-pasteurized and skim.
- Thermometer, if any.
- A large saucepan or high basin where you will heat the banks.
- 2 tablespoons plain yogurt for every liter of milk. It will work as serum. Yogurt should be fresh, be labeled 'with live and active cultures "helps the intestine. Of course, without any impurities and additives.
- Clock.
- Towel.

Step 1.   Cooking banks. They must be absolutely clean and dry. If you are very sensitive, you can pour boiling water over the banks to ensure their purity.

Step 2.   Put a towel on the bottom of a large pot. On it - clean, dry jars. Pour the milk into the jar, before reaching the top of about 2-3 cm. Carefully fill the space of a large pan with water to prevent water from getting into the banks.

STEP 3.   Bring the milk to a boil with banks before, when bubbles begin to form.

 Homemade yogurt: do it yourself!

Step 4.   Place the thermometer in boiling water and a spoon for stirring. A few minutes is enough - and they are sterilized (spoon is useful to you later, but right now the thermometer). Now make a fire medium or low intensity, but continued to wildness. Place the thermometer in one of the bottles of milk when the temperature is 85 degrees, it's time to turn off the heat and cover the jar. If there is no thermometer - it does not matter. Be careful when there is foam, it is a sign that the milk has the right temperature. Remove the foam, turn off the heat and close the jar.

Step 5.   It is necessary to cool the cans. I do not advise to put in the refrigerator, it will raise the temperature in it, which is not good for other products. Can be cooled in a container with ice in a cold water bath, and when winter outdoors - in a cold cellar or on a balcony. We need to cool the milk to 38-49 degrees. I do so: I cover the entire pan with banks towel and stand in the cold aisle (the good, live in their own home).

Your goal - to get the milk temperature of about 38-39 degrees, because the incubation takes place between 37 and 49 degrees (if the milk is too hot, above 50 degrees, the bacteria will die in it). 38 degrees - in any case optimally. If there is no thermometer, it feels is such a hint: on a cool windowsill milk cools to this temperature for about 90 minutes in the sink with cold water - 20 minutes. If you're too cool milk, you will need to heat it again.

Step 6.   Adding "serum." For every liter of milk - 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, it will act as a kind of serum, which will launch the mechanism of the right of reproduction of bacteria. Clean spoon add to the banks, gently mix. More is not necessary to put the yogurt, remember, you are dealing with living organisms, and milk will be too "overcrowded" these organisms, they will interfere with each other to develop.

Step 7.   Again, cover the jar. Now you need as long as possible to save the banks warm. It is better to wrap a warm blanket, a towel, in several layers, it will help keep the heat longer. Take care and the fact that banks were placed in a warm place, best - to leave them in the kitchen, on the upper shelves, there is always warm. Some advise to keep the jars in a water bath, then have to constantly make sure that the water around the cans are not cooled, the temperature drop impact is detrimental to the living bacteria we need.

Step 8.   Incubation can last from 4 to 24 hours. The shorter the period, the more it turns sour yogurt. The longer - the more tart. Low temperatures also make sweet yogurt, and high - tart. I like the taste, when incubated in a warm yogurt from 4 to 8 hours. Six hours - the most delicious, eight also more delicious, but six still I like the most. Although this figure you choose. 24 hours - did not like it, as well as 16, but that's just my personal opinion. Although after 24 hours yogurt it was pretty thick, like this.

 Homemade yogurt: do it yourself!
It looks like homemade yogurt after incubation, a yellowish color and a little whey on top. It can be drained, it will come in handy the next time you do a new batch of yogurt.

 Homemade yogurt: do it yourself!
Left - 8-hour yogurt, and on the right - 16 hours (more dense, as you can see).

Step 9.   Put the jar in the refrigerator. Yogurt noticeably thickens when cooled. It is better to shake it a few times, after cooling to a uniform consistency. Yogurt is ready!

 Homemade yogurt: do it yourself!

Be sure to leave a few tablespoons of yogurt ready for a future starter, it will be your "whey". When starting to get watery yogurt, buy the store a new "serum." I buy every 2 weeks.

Homemade yogurt can be used as a purchase (ie, eat in the morning, with the addition of fruit or spices), and it can easily replace sour cream in recipes (be salad dressing, add to soups). I love my homemade yogurt with vanilla. Per liter 1 teaspoon vanilla and a quarter teaspoon of sugar. You can add homemade yogurt in the dough for baking (cookies or pancakes).
Author: Julia Shestakova