If we believe the word of manufacturers of cosmetics, magic cream, which in a few moments rejuvenated Bulgakov's Margarita, turning it into a beautiful Scripture has long been for sale! It should lend a hand to him, to breathe its wonderful aroma and enjoy the gentle snowy texture as you feel euphoric from his own reflection in the mirror. That's just the possession of the data miracle tool will cost you a round sum. Find out what is really worth paying for!
Beauticians sure if your skin needs hydration banal it is not necessary to spend money on expensive cosmetics. Creams mass market cope with this problem worse. Choosing the means of the average price range you will not find significant differences among the products of different brands. All ones are about the same and the main criterion of their efficiency - your own feelings. If a certain cream improves your mood and the degree of perceived good skin can not "change" his long period of time. But if you want to move to the "new" level - give preference means a high concentration of retinoid acid and vitamin C in a stable form.
The products of the beauty industry can not be cheap. Needless to manufacture luxury cosmetics - an expensive pleasure. Its main difference from the mass-market high degree of cleaning ingredients. For example, the effectiveness of the impact of Hyaluron acid on the skin is directly proportional to its degree of processing.
The second bonus expensive cosmetics - the existence of exclusive ingredients. So, to the consistency of cream was rich and elastic substance required dimethicone. As hyaluronic acid it needs special treatment, which, of course, costs money.
If the manufacturer introduces several beauty cream-discoveries of modern cosmetology, its price may rise up to heaven. For example, $ 250 for restoring protective emulsion NB Ceutical Intensive Tolerance Booster by Natura Bisse - not the limit!

But to find out what the product will be in action only by example!
The ingredients in are worth investing
DNA restorative enzymes
In most cases produced from marine algae and plankton. The process of manufacture is technically complicated, which dictates the price increase. But thanks to the ability of the enzyme to rehabilitate the damaged DNA, this ingredient of cosmetics is highly valued.
Synthetic peptides
Is a special protein fragments that activate the synthesis of collagen. They soften the texture of the skin, contributing to its normal nutrition and hydration.
Hyaluronic acid
Perfectly moisturizes the skin, improving its tone and elasticity. Prevents early wrinkles. By itself, the hyaluronic acid is indeed exorbitant cost, as mentioned above, its salt rates - a quality cleaning.
Scientists interpret them as the main suppliers of drugs and cosmetic active ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin. The effectiveness of the liposomes is based on a structure that represents the same lipids as the membrane of human cells. This "similarity" allows liposomes to penetrate into cells by acting on them.
What else affects the cost of cosmetics?
Manufacturers are convinced of the beauty industry, women acquire cosmetics not only for the result, but also to enjoy the process of using it. We enjoy the process of grooming that, we believe, bring dividends in the form of preservation of health, attractiveness and youth.
In response to our expectations of luxury cosmetic brands produce bottles sophisticated, often weighted forms. Develop special artsy design, applied a special engraving. All this can not but help to increase product prices. Furthermore, the packaging can even exceed the value of funds!
Another item of expenditure manufacturers - the flavor of the product. Its creation also requires certain investments. To date, the most popular notes of rose, violet and freesia.

Demonstration lesson
Scientists conducted an interesting experiment. A woman who had a special passion for jewelery, asked to evaluate the action of the usual cream, veiled under the couture sample with particles of gold. Needless to say that the score was as high as possible! Participant Apply the product on the face several times more than usual, believing his "magical" properties. The process of "tasting" expensive product brought her pleasure that a beneficial effect on the skin!
Purchasing agent in a beautiful package, you should be aware that pay not only for efficiency but also for the brand. Is it worth it to do it, up to you themselves!
Let your choice of cosmetics benefits face and body!
Author: Natalia Bartukova