Recent studies of the American edition of Women & Aging have shown that more than 50 percent of the fair sex are convinced that the deterioration of their skin is the first sign of age-related changes. In participating in the survey responses biological age had no effect, as the twenty-year girls and ladies, "a little over thirty" standard facial care preferred anti-age cosmetics! But was it the right of choice?
To combat the external signs of aging is a pity we do not have the time nor the means. Jars, tubes and sealed sachets marked "anti-aging" or "the youth of your skin" are available in the arsenal of every one of us. Our interest in the beauty-cosmetic innovations concerns ably supported by daily creating new "formula of beauty", and adding the products "bioactive components". Funds withdrawn luxury names and get rave reviews "try new." But let's get that out of "delicious" composed releases campaigns true and what is fiction?
Cream with hyaluronic acid protects the skin from microcracks
Hyaluronic acid - a carbohydrate polymer molecule contained in all tissues of the human body. 50 percent of its total amount is in the epidermis and dermis. In an effort to neutralize its energetically highly charged molecule attracts a large amount of water. The ability to fill its surrounding area and form the basis for anti-aging technology. Linking the moisture in the skin, the language of science absorbing it, hyaluronic acid "spreads" the surface of the skin, preventing the appearance of microcracks.
Verdict: true!
Creams with vitamins have low efficiency
It is widely believed that the vitamins work better inside the body than outside. What it is preferable to obtain them in the food or additives than in the form of external agents. A team of American researchers during experiments proved that applying to the skin as a cream three vitamins - A, E and B3 at a certain concentration, can reduce the effects of aging skin. For example, vitamin A in external use eliminates age spots and wrinkles that result from prolonged exposure to the sun. Vitamin E - protects the skin from ultraviolet and struggles with her withering. Vitamin B3 reduces dark spots and increases the production of collagen.
Verdict: Myth!

Face cream should contain a deep complex of antioxidants
Well-known fact - free radicals are powerful provocateur aging. Today, there are few scientifically based theories of aging, which serve as proof of this. As a continuation of these theories cosmetics manufacturers recommend the use of the means with antioxidants, substances that neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants are divided into three groups, each of which has its own activity spectrum:
- Antiradical antioxidants - alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, - eliminate existing free radicals;
- Antioxidant enzymes - again, alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene - utilize neutralized in the first phase oxides.
- Blockers - re-alpha-lipoic acid, idebenone - block the emergence of new free radicals.
As seen from the description of such a substance as alpha-lipoic acid can counteract free radicals at all levels. This natural antioxidant has a strong penetrating power, neutralizing the inflammatory processes of the skin, removing edema, improving cell metabolism and preventing the formation of wrinkles.
Verdict: true!

Lifting Cream can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin
The main cause of aging, which puts on the face of the "fingerprint" of past years is to reduce the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid activity. The action of lifting creams is that due to the content regeneriiruyuschih additives, lipids and collagen they just smooth "flakes" of the stratum corneum. Penetrate more deeply, and even more so, in any way affect the operation of "depth" of the cells are not able to. Beauticians categorical: lifting creams can give only a superficial rejuvenation.
Verdict: Myth!
Means for the care must be changed periodically, as the skin for them "accustomed"
"Change" means beloved makes sense if the cosmetic market appeared new technologically more advanced. Factor hobbies other products can also be a new skin problems, which at the time of your choice means you did not have and, consequently, to eliminate them it is not intended. This means that the "plant" the skin to a specific brand or cosmetic line's Skin funds, after the change of which the effect of the actions of other products will be low - unreal.
Verdict: Myth!
To get the "face" an excellent result after applying cosmetics, their choice should be approached with intelligence and attention.
Author: Natalia Bartukova