Lotions warm season
 Lotions role in the care of skin is often underestimated. Many women believe that it is possible to do without this cosmetic and hygienic means limited to washing the face with detergents and subsequent application of the cream. And it is fundamentally not true, especially in the warm season of the year - summer and early autumn!

Every day, he washed the face with soap (and in the summer we have to do, and sometimes more than once a day), we break the lipid protective layer of skin, which has a negative effect on her condition. Milder cleaning products (milk, cream) do not cause harm to the skin such as soap, but not always able to cope with dirt, dust, sebum. So, applying lotion after washing (with soap and water or not), we still have further remove dirt (and detergent residues) from the surface of the skin and open the pores through nourishes the skin with a variety of useful substances. In addition to its primary function of cleaning and disinfecting the skin, lotions and perform other important tasks - skin hydration and moisture retention, whitening, increase skin elasticity.

Summer, and early fall - the garden, garden, flower beds in the country and sunny glade in the forest - an inexhaustible source of useful raw materials for the manufacture of lotions and tonics for any skin type. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures on alcohol: herbs, flower petals, the pulp of fruits and vegetables - all this can form the basis of effective natural lotions. The most secure and versatile cleaners - aqueous lotions can be applied daily or even several times a day. If the skin is very dry, infusions and decoctions that can make milk. However, stored for a long time they will not be (a maximum of 3 days in the refrigerator), then important rule - made immediately apply!

Lotions and flower garden flower front garden

* Lotion petal chrysanthemum

 Lotions warm season
   Princess autumn garden - Chrysanthemum. Its petals are rich in mineral substances necessary for normal functioning of the human body: potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamins C and E. The skin moisturized infusion of chrysanthemum petals, smooth and youthful. For an infusion of dark glass jar half filled with petals of chrysanthemum, pour rubbing alcohol to cover the petals around two fingers, close the pot and put in a dark place for six weeks. To prepare the lotion is necessary to cast the required amount of infusion boiled and diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 3. Before use, the lotion should be shaken, and then wipe the face with a cotton swab to dry skin lotion is necessary to add glycerol (1 teaspoon per 100 ml).

* Plum tonic for dry skin

Take three large sweet plums - peeled, remove the seeds, and mash the pulp of boiled water. Boil for 5-10 minutes, strain. When the broth has cooled, wipe their face daily at bedtime and in the morning. Instead, you can take a sweet plum ripe pears.

* Lotions with white lilies for tired skin

 Lotions warm season
 Option 1.   30 g of white lily petals fill the cup of boiling water, cover, leave for the day. Strain, add 20 grams of glycerol. Wipe face and neck instead of washing in the morning and evening.

Option 2.   5-6 fresh flowers with stamens put in a dark glass dish, pour 1-2 cups of vodka and insist in a dark cool place 30 - 40 days. Strain the resulting infusion. Now, diluting the infusion water at the desired concentration can be prepared on the basis of its fine lotion. For normal skin rubbing tincture diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 for dry - mixed 1: 2, and for oily skin can be applied undiluted tincture.

Option 3.   For the care of dry, easily irritated skin infusion prepared with almond oil, it is possible to take a more common olive oil.
The transparent floor liter oil container add 150 g of young leaves and the same colors garden white lily. We insist on the light for a month, shaking daily content. After 30 days, the lotion can be used.

*   Pink Lotion for oily skin

Half cup of fresh rose petals fill the same amount of natural apple cider vinegar, close the container with the mixture and leave for 2 weeks in a cool place. Filtered, diluted with a glass of cold mineral or boiled water.

*   Flower Lotion

Take 2 teaspoons of rose petals, sage, chamomile flowers, 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10-15 minutes, drain.

*   Peppermint Lotion

A tablespoon of chopped dried mint leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, cover tightly and let the infusion cool completely. After washing, rinse the face of such a lotion in the morning and evening.

*   Chamomile Lotion

Lotion Chamomile has anti-allergic, soothing and healing effect because of a biologically active substance azulenyl.

Option 1.   A tablespoon of fresh (or dried) chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and leave for an hour, cool, drain, add the third cup of alcohol and 1 tablespoon of glycerin.

Option 2 (for dry skin).   A glass of milk, pour into an enamel bowl and place on low heat, add a tablespoon of chamomile flowers (fresh or dried). Heat the milk without boiling for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cool, strain. Wipe your face.

Option 3 (for oily skin).   Take a tablespoon of chamomile flowers and marigold, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes, then strain, cool and add a tablespoon of camphor alcohol.

Lotions generous garden

*   Cucumber lotions

 Lotions warm season
   Cucumber is extremely popular for home vegetable lotions. Recipes lotions, anyway using cucumber juice with a whitening, refreshing, moisturizing and firming properties, a lot:

  The easiest option (Universal):   finely chop or grate the cucumber, pour boiling water, 3 tablespoons of cucumber weight 1 cup boiling water. Cover, leave to cool, strain. Now use the infusion to wipe the face. You can apply for all skin types.

Option for oily skin:   grate on a fine grater cucumber, pour the resulting mass of an equal volume of vodka or rubbing alcohol diluted in half. Insist within two weeks, strain.

Option cucumber lotion for dry skin:   cucumber cut into small cubes of medium size. Boil milk and pour them sliced ​​cucumber, 3 tablespoons of cucumber cubes 1 cup milk, cucumber boil in milk for 5-7 minutes more. Remove from heat, cool, strain.

*   Lotion of parsley

 Lotions warm season
   It has a rejuvenating, refreshing effect, suitable for all skin types. Easy to prepare: Pour a tablespoon of chopped parsley a glass of hot water, press 1 hour, strain and cool. Wipe the face of such infusion can be several times a day at any time.

*   Refreshing Lotion for oily skin

Mix equal parts of carrot and cucumber juice, add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. This lotion refreshes oily skin, tightens large pores, acne cures. A mixture of equal amounts of juice of fresh cabbage and cucumber can also be cleaned with oily skin every evening.

*   Recipe melon lotion to moisturize dry skin

 Lotions warm season
   Ripe melon pulp squeeze the juice, dilute the milk in a ratio of 1: 1, and use the mixture to wipe the skin. For normal and combination skin lotion is recommended to be diluted with mineral water.

*   Lotion Tomato

 Lotions warm season
   This lotion is suitable much sweating, oily skin. Squeeze the juice from the pulp of the tomato, add 30 gr. juice, 70 g. purified water, 2 c. alum, 5 gr. glycerol
Apply the lotion daily, and reduced sweating, reduced pores, shine disappears. In addition, the lotion protects the skin from solar radiation, which for the southern regions, and in the early autumn more aggressively.

Time to collect grass

 Lotions warm season
   Infusions and decoctions of herbs such as yarrow, nettle, calendula, dandelion, drug marshmallow, chamomile, thyme, comfrey, lavender, mother and stepmother, plantain, have excellent cleansing, healing, and antiseptic properties. Many of these herbs and flowers are used in dry form, and now have more time to gather and dry herbs. But you can do and lotions made from fresh raw materials.

*   Lotion Nettle

Skip nettle leaves through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice. This juice is an excellent tonic lotion suitable for all skin types.

*   Lotion of plantain

Lotion plantain juice or infusion of its dry leaves has healing, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory action. The effect is due to the rich chemical composition of plantain, - the presence of citric and ascorbic acids, mineral salts, volatile, tannins, glycosides, vitamin K.

Plantain juice extracted from its leaves as well as nettle and prepare the infusion, and not difficult - a couple of tablespoons of plantain leaves pour a glass of boiled water for two hours and filtered.

*   Herbal lotion for sensitive skin

Take 20 grams of leaves of raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, cranberry and lime tree flowers, grass mother and stepmother and fill with a mixture of 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Insist to cool, strain and use for wiping the face and neck.

*   Lotion from St. John's wort

Take 1 tablespoon of leaves and flowers of St. John's wort, 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, drain.

Continue recipe list can be endless. Choose the one that best suits you or one of your own, special. After all, summer and autumn so rich in gifts of nature, of which you can prepare wonderful moisturizing, cleansing, toning and nourishing the skin means. Moreover, note - the real "living cosmetics" without preservatives and perfumes, not only practically does not burden your budget, she gently cleanse a person gives to the skin with moisture and keep it fresh and young for a long time.
Author: Olga Travleeva