What's new in fitness? Still popular yoga, Pilates and all their varieties. But there are also exotic destinations: the organic and aqueous fitness trainers. Want to find out about this?
Handicraft fitness
The desire to diversify their activities - it is clear, it is welcome trainers and fitness experts, who call from time to time "throw" their glands and do something new: play football or tennis. This allows you to keep the excitement of their studies, not "burn out" from the constant stress and routine.
And what about those who have already tried all the trainers that are available in modern fitness rooms? Probably go back and try the tools that were used hundreds of years ago. So, at least, the authors decided the idea of "home-fitness."

Handicraft fitness uses exercises that have been popular since the 1900s for the 1930s, and are known as the Indian method of exercise. The method offers a return to the origins of fitness and bodybuilding. The most popular exercise machines in the early 20th century were brought from India, wooden clubs. With these men and women engaged in such exercises have been put into classes for the military. Indian fitness technique helped create a harmonious shape, to develop qualities such as agility, attention, accuracy.

If you think such a direction a little ridiculous, it is not necessary to make the first conclusions without trying. On the Internet, a lot of positive feedback from artisanal simulators, they come from those who have already tried a new direction. People say that discovering a new load, it is especially important for those who have never in my life was not engaged in physical labor.
Everyone knows how effective aqua aerobics aerobics. It is indicated for people with aching joints, high weight. Water absorbs a variety of aggressive load, excludes injuries. So, why not try it in the water to pedal?
With this idea in the trendy fitness clubs of America there were whole classes of water, but not for swimming, but for employment in them on a stationary bike. To create a special design of simulators.

Aqua exercise bikes allow you to burn more calories without having to expose the body injury. Another plus: the classes are held in the cool water, and overheating of the body occurs. It relieves the stress of knowing that the difficult exercise given: in fact, as a rule, perspiration and temperature rise signals the body fatigue.
And a nice bonus: the water acts on his feet as a lymphatic massage, stimulating and get rid of toxins.
Training woodcutters
These workouts are designed primarily for men. But there are options for women about them below. Training lumberjacks - a continuation of the trend for natural fitness. The authors stress the primordial urge to look at the men's class, which is now the stronger sex is drawn less frequently. But before the men were strong and beautiful, not only from natural food, but because they were engaged in manual labor, simple power classes, such as building a house, firewood, hunting.

Proponents of such an organic fitness follow the usual male loads. One of the directions - longhorn exercises, which include a class with heavy logs, chopping wood, carrying heavy loads. Training includes lumberjacks specialized tourist routes or arranged by yourself in the woods.
In general, holding a heavy beam in different positions - improbably effective activity for the formation of muscle and burning fat. It wanted to use women. And in many fitness centers have a class with a functional simulator called ViPR. Pressures to him very intense, like those who love to sweat.

Back to basics
You have not heard such a term as "organic fitness"? This trend, which you can try this summer. It means all kinds of fitness who seek natural for human stress and rejection of the simulators. And this contributes to the summer, is not it?
Why sweating in a stuffy room on the rowing machine when you can sit in the kayak and rafting on the river? Should I run on the treadmill, if better and more useful to do it outdoors? How effectively raise the dumbbells and barbells, if you can chop wood for the bath? The principle is clear: we do everything that we have deprived the modern lifestyle, go for walks and do manual labor. But, having got used to do everything in nature, and winter will be to give up the subscription to a fitness club.