Today, the dream of many to lose weight. And cosmetologists long offered a variety of unique ways, from surgical to sparing. There are hundreds of amazing diet and sports activities for reduced weight and volume, have psychological effects, as well as hormone pills for the normalization of metabolism. But dreaming of a method that gives results with little effort.
Technology does not stand still, and today you can use the hardware effects to remove excess fat. The possibilities are many, but one of the new methods is unique cryolipolysis. This procedure helps to remove the problem area of up to 25% of fat in a single session. And it does not have side effects and serious contraindications.
Freezing slimming
Scientists involved in the problem of excess weight for many years. It was found that warming less efficient at burning fat than cooling. Massage, saunas, wraps give the effect, but short-term, the weight comes back quickly. The cold is able to completely destroy the fat cells, which is very similar to liposuction, but without incisions.
Cryolipolysis - is the impact on a specific region of low temperatures. When this is cooled subcutaneous fat layer, rather than the skin or internal organs. When exposed to about 30 minutes the cells die because of the destruction of the membranes. And then displayed in a natural way through the blood and lymph systems.
The procedure removes up to 25% of the fat in the area, but the results are noticeable only after 3 weeks. The overall effect is to wait for one and a half months. Repeat procedure is possible not earlier than 30 days after the first. Usually recommend no more than 3 visits to one area.
In the course of a person does not experience negative feelings. A very strange feeling occurs when the skin fold "sucked into" the machine, and then there is only a slight tingling and sensation of coolness. The procedure is usually carried out lying. At this time, you can read or make a relaxing face mask.
Cryolipolysis is used for the abdomen, thighs, arms, but it is not suitable for the face and chin.

This can be used cryolipolysis
Exposure to cold has few contraindications. Diabetes, pregnancy, cancer, trauma, slimming area. If these problems are not present that you can use the procedure. Doctors do not recommend using the device during menstruation.
That all went smoothly, skin fold must capture device. If the fat layer is small, it becomes problematic. That is why more useful cryolipolysis full women.
But this procedure does not become a panacea for obesity. With obesity requires not a local effect, but a series of events that will not only remove fat, but also to restore metabolism. Sports activities, proper nutrition and procedures may be supplemented Cryolipolysis, as well as ensure that the weight does not come back. And it will be a great addition massage the area to all the dead cells leave the body quickly.
The main advantage of this method - the absence of surgical intervention, as well as hematomas, or other visible signs on the skin surface. Cryolipolysis lasts from 30 minutes to one hour. After the procedure, there is no discomfort. Efficiency is not broken.

Liposuction or cryolipolysis?
For years, women of excess fat removed via surgery. When even the most gentle of such a procedure had to wear special underwear for slimming. Immediately after surgery, there were bruises as well as skin and flatness no guarantee.
Today, I go to the surgeons no longer relevant. There are many ways to remove fat in no time without disturbing the external coverings. And cryolipolysis - optimal solution of such problems. Of course, it is impossible for one procedure to remove the fullness of all parts of the body, but the impact will gradually remove the fatty tissue.
When kriolipoliza cells are destroyed, the amount of adipose tissue decreases. Unlike diets only when the cells become smaller in volume, in the procedure of freezing they perish, and thus, the process returns back to completeness very complicated. Of course, to ensure that within a few years of data kgs will not return as long as no one can, but the first results are very encouraging attendees salons.
Cryolipolysis procedure is not free. Today, its value varies greatly from region to region of the country. Cryolipolysis offer to make professional clinics and beauty salons. Depending on the level of the organization will change the price. Compared to liposuction, freezing cheaper at least two times, and the same is not required before undergoing tests. But consultation with a specialist to identify contraindications still welcome.
Weight loss - a process that can take considerable time. It is important to not only remove the extra weight, but also to prevent their return. Hardware methods allow to lose weight, correct form, but sometimes you need a comprehensive survey to understand the cause of excess weight.