Weight loss does not come easily to anyone. And it's not just exercise. All slimming experiencing enormous psychological pressure, and it does not lead to the desired result. In order to sustain the fight against excess weight need a very positive attitude, it will say all the experts. And yet, the best - it is accustom ourselves to such a lifestyle in which the weight loss will happen as if by itself. And no longer will need these calculators, calorie counters, scales and measuring tape!
I suggest a few rules of life, accepting that you do not need a diet.
1. Food - your friend
. We eat often just for fun, for the company, at the celebrations, for comfort, for new taste sensations ... Meanwhile, the food - it's not fun, the food should be our friend and partner. Primarily, it provides us with enough energy every day and during the day. Try to treat food seriously and responsibly, and not as something taken for granted. Why lightly swallow what gives? Each eaten piece should be your personal choice and your responsibility.
2. Eat a healthy diet
. These are not empty words. Make it a rule to analyze what is contained in what you eat. You will see that there are products that do not contain anything, which means that are absolutely unnecessary. A balanced diet - it is a diet in which there are proteins and carbohydrates, and fats, and vitamins and minerals. You get all of this on a daily basis? If not, review the products that are buying.
3. Eat breakfast
. It's simple. The mechanism of the digestive system should be "run." In addition, breakfast helps control weight, because it does not allow abundant snack before lunch. Generally, after a good breakfast, you can not think of a dinner for six hours. And, of course, is the necessary energy for the first half of the day.
4. Fat is also needed
. Small amounts of oil - an essential part of our diet. It gives us the essential fatty acids (health and youthful, including the skin and hair), as well as vitamins, regulate metabolism. Completely eliminate fat from your diet would be wrong. But not all fats we need. Searching unsaturated fats, can be prepared from the olive oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, oily fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna), oils of various nuts. From the remaining fat should be strictly refuse.
5. Water - Life
. It's no secret that allows the water to lose weight, normalize digestion, moisturize the skin, hair and body in general. And to accustom yourself to drink water, imagine that your body is working "on the water" just like a car on gasoline. This is true: Water is involved in the majority of internal processes. And without water we can not survive, while without food for a while out. Therefore, depriving themselves of the water, we deprive ourselves of life. Are we - the enemies of your body?
6. movement and again movement
. If you do not have to lose a lot of kilos, you can just take in the habit of walking in the morning and in the evening (for example, a couple of stops to and from work? Who does not enjoy the car). Movement - this is part of any diet, but to food and does not have a relationship. If you need drastic changes, it will have to find additional load (fitness) 4-5 times a week, duration of exercise from 30 minutes to an hour.
7. Say "no" extreme dieting!
Ironically, hurt by them than good. They provide only a short-term weight loss, but a very big injury. With strict diets you lose mostly water weight contained in the body, rather than fat. But water, as mentioned above, the basis of the internal processes of the body. Why deprive yourself of her? Rid the fat will only planned a proper diet and the availability of physical activity.
8. No extreme measures!
The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Nothing terrible will happen if you are not in shape for the next release, you there is still a bunch of trips and events. Quick result - a bad result. Do not starve yourself, do not use permanent laxatives to cleanse the intestines, do not induce vomiting, do not work in the gym to exhaustion. It really will not achieve the effect that you want. You want to be slim and healthy for life, not just to take pictures. The same can be said about the surgeon's scalpel. It will not change anything if diet and lifestyle remain unchanged.
9. Relax
. According to many studies, women who sleep every night 7-8 hours, have a better metabolism than those who sleep less than 7 hours per day. Sleep and rest - an important factor for weight loss. The body will work well only when he is resting quality. People who sleep enough, work better, have more energy, feel happier, less hungry during the day. The body will also be your best burn fat and calories, if rested.
10. Be prepared to keep changing life.
Weight loss - not an event. Changes in your lifestyle that you make now will not last six months, not a year or five. It will be a lifetime. All your life you will follow the diet and stress. This is what you can do for yourself and for your future now. My personal experience in dealing with weight lasted six years. Then it became easier, but nothing has been completed, all restrictions are now just for me - it's just a habit. Wont be toned and healthy, I do not want to change is.
