On the parameters of the ideal female figure and calculations, without which the figure of the spring to prepare possible, we talked about earlier. But for modern fashionistas improving the body, as a rule, does not end with the elimination of unwanted kilograms. Is not it?
Traced muscles, a flat stomach, firm breasts - this dream of almost every one of us, starting to fitness routines. And yet - on plastics and harmony, the main indicators of the youth body.
When a responsible execution of all phases of the popular group fitness training, which will organize the training of trainers, the planned double effect reaches a significant percentage of girls. So, to remove the extra inches in the waist and hips and make sure that these parts of the body when you first look at them testified about your
sporting nature
Quite possibly their own.
But, dear singles skater, if the sequence and nature of the exercise professionally thought out!
Errors on the way to the sports appeal
Do not be amiss to mention that those who engage in individual, often complain about the consequences of their own errors sports. Let us consider the most typical of them in detail and attempts to replace the ineffective rapid improvement on the figure-designed "champion" moves.
The first mistake.
Bad sequence of work on the press
You notice that regular and numerous slopes, ups the body does not bring the expected result, and sometimes even more clearly make the stomach?
The problem is that because of the ill-conceived training the muscles can weaken, ugly outstanding forward and make visible fat.
For this reason, some experienced coaches do not recommend donuts to start work on an exercise bike with.
The order to strengthen the muscular system
Develop a sequence of exercises for the abs should be as follows: the upper press - & gt; lower press - & gt; obliques - & gt; obliques - & gt; Training back. Consider the examples of such exercises.
A small note: beginners should be selected lightweight versions of assignments and perform each exercise 10-20 times (ideally - before the light burning in the press). But it is possible to operate in a different way - a few times to work out the muscles in a circle, starting with 3-4 repetitions, gradually bringing their number to 10.
Universal exercise for the upper press familiar to you, probably since high school. Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head (so that your elbows are pointing in different directions). Bending your knees slightly lift the torso up.
Trained may complicate this exercise and raise both the torso and the legs. In this case it is useful to use the weighting for the feet.

In order to pump up the bottom press, it is necessary, lying on his back, lift straight leg up. There are also more difficult (and therefore more effective modification of this exercise). Using, as you would on the upper press, leg weights and dumbbells in a starting position Bring hands behind his head. During ups pulling them forward.

Oblique press formed as follows: lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee, another - put on top (crosswise) and torso, knee As for the second leg elbow of the opposite arm. Then - change feet.

To complicate exercise can be, for connecting the brush head of both hands.
Study the oblique muscles and helps to press familiar with elementary grades exercise "bicycle". But to give it effect, you need to be raised slightly above the floor of the blade and shoulders (and more trained - to raise back to maximum height and weights used for the legs).

The lateral twisting (or work on the pressure side) is performed lying on your side. Place one hand on the floor and leaning on his second brush hands, you need to pull up his legs straightened. And try to raise as much as possible with the body (so that the body formed the English letter V). Over time, you will be easier to learn how to perform this exercise complexity; option: permanently fixing the legs, lift the torso only, while keeping the elbows bent arms above his head.
The final point - the development of the back muscles - is extremely important. To strengthen the muscular system is often recommended to get rid of the problems of the spine. After all, the owners of a flat back is always a beautiful posture and protruding belly. And the ways to strengthen the back elementary.
The most suitable ones for beginners Sportwoman - exercise "boat", which consists in the fact that, lying on his stomach, pulling up straightened arms and legs.

If you are trained enough, you can, fixing legs, lift the body. In the hands it is recommended to keep the optimum weight dumbbells, moving them forward and to the sides, simulating swimming.
Qualified instructors will also recommend to combine work on the back muscles and stabilizers of the body. This can be done, for example, as follows: rest against the floor and toes apart at shoulder width hands and alternately turn the body in different directions.
A similar effect can achieve and "complexity;" stand on the shoulders (or familiar to us all exercise "Birch"). Leaning on his elbows and wrists keeping her hips, you must hold his feet straight for about 30 seconds. Then, bending his knees - do housing rotation in both directions.
Harmoniously complete the strengthening of the muscular system allows simple fixing. Rest against the floor with his elbows and toes and try to hold the back straight (in the early stages of training - for half a minute).
The second mistake.
The desire to quickly create the ideal shape by increasing the frequency of sessions.
The myth that frequent and intense training media can give the desired effect in the shortest time, alas, has not been confirmed in practice. If you do not give your muscles the possibility to recover, soon you will start to feel the irresistible gravity of performing simple exercises. A recovery of muscles after exercise different groups must be on the average from 48 to 72 hours.
Fitness trainers advise beginners to do a set of exercises for the abs 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. Also, they can be consistently and continuously in the program include the usual aerobics classes and focus on how to respond to the increase in the load body.
The third mistake.
The emphasis on uniform power load.
Your desire as soon as the royal surprise sweet harmony and accentuated muscle is normal. But remember, a long time to drag "iron" - it is the prerogative of men
(because for them we have our own standard of beauty and courage figure - relief muscles cine Hercules!).
Periodically, lifting weights (even those that are considered moderate for your weight), you risk weakening joints, wrists, and the most vulnerable place for women - lower back. Besides, no matter what purpose you may bet, you should always diversify classes. A variety of great sound simulators today.
One of them - your body. For example, simply pressing, you are for the benefit of all their muscles zadeystvuesh kilograms. A learning wrung from the ball or on the one hand (from a position on the side) - you can expect a huge effect.

In addition, to increase the effectiveness of training for all muscle groups are capable of, in particular, such improvised simulators as fitball, rope and ... water.
Advantage drill press with a large ball training is that it helps to stretch the deep muscles. Plus, some of these exercises help to work simultaneously on the muscular system and effectively knead the inner thighs, buttocks, arms and legs.
For example, you can use the hips so: leaning on his hands and knees bent, hold the ball between your ankles and then straining press, straighten legs 6-8 times at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. Also, stretch your muscles and hips can be another way: lying on its side, hold fitball between feet and rises to a height of 5-10 cm from the floor. Repeat this exercise should be 15-20 times on each side.

To strengthen the media, the arms and legs can make the bridge, leaning on fitball back (while pumping back and forth 6-8 times). Mash the right shoulders, arms, back and buttocks can help you push with fitball. Starting position for their implementation is as follows: legs - on the ball, hands - a little wider than shoulder width. For this type of training will be sufficient to 8-12 repetitions.

Rope, as the ball can be used not only for children to play. Experienced gymnasts are well aware that by using this simulator available can be pumped up biceps and triceps, to strengthen the hips, legs and lower back, and as a bonus develop flexibility.
For the arms and shoulders, in particular, will be effective this exercise: holding the ends folded in half and taut rope, alternately lift your hands up, pull ahead, then - again up and creek neck. Furthermore, holding the rope in his hand in a similar manner, it is recommended from the initial position kneeling recede smoothly bend the right and left.

Also, there are different ways to do stretching for legs with rope. For example, it is possible to perform a standing: hooking bent rope for foot and holding the ends of the arms simulator, pulling the leg to the side at the maximum possible height. You can repeat this exercise and lying on its side.
Similarly, you can pull the leg up from the back (pre-bent knee) or from a seated position. Repeat each exercise is necessary, of course, to both legs.

Complete set of activities with a rope (as in the case with a simple press of the work) you can exercise "boat." Try to make it a kind of complexity; so: Hook the foot rope and pull the handles to her head.
Said third simulator - water - complete with special Noodles allows you enhance the effect of exercise for the press at the same time making the blood vessels more elastic. For example, to pump in the upper basin of the press in the following way: Put one under Noodles back, and the second - under the knees and, while holding the handrail in a uniform rhythm tightens bent legs to the torso. Smooth finish this exercise, leaving one behind Noodles and making legs "bicycle" to warm up the thighs and buttocks.

To work out the lower and obliques, you holding hands on the railing, his feet rest against the wall and alternately repelled back and sides. And to use his arms and thoracic must be from the same initial position of the hands to climb up.

Mash the shoulder joint, the biceps and triceps can be simply squeezing Noodles in water (trying to connect it to the lower ends of the bottom). A warm-up leg muscles is recommended to do in the water just swings alternately with both feet, placing Noodles under feet.

And, finally, to strengthen the back you can practice ... just swimming. Thus one Noodles to keep close to the ends of the arms, and the second - placed on the legs.

The fourth mistake -
... focus on weight loss.
To analyze this problem, should go back to the above figures.
Outside of the ideal weight for a particular height, of course, important. But work on the muscles, it is important to remember that muscle mass exceeds the mass of fat.
To accurately determine the ratio of muscle and fat, and body cell mass and Basal Metabolic Rate lets bioimpedance analysis.
At home, the main measure of the effect of exercise in this case should be a tape measure.
P.S. There is another error to which you can push in the right gym. To make the muscles relief, you can offer to combine classes with regular intake of protein cocktails (which are sold in such establishments). Such beverages are during reception. Increase the proportion of protein in the diet - and you will achieve the same and more consistent effect with health benefits!