Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3
 Posture - the important thing. Its basis is a healthy spine and a strong muscular corset around him. So do not expect that everything will come by itself. We must deal with them. Especially in an environment where most of my life we ​​sit in front of computers, for the desktops, bagels machines and lie on the couch.

In the previous two parts of the described exercises with fitball. But if you are not a happy owner of the ball, do not worry. For you, too, have a complex that will help you bring the muscles in tone. Most of the following exercises can be familiar with only one hand, for example, in terms of performance over the buttocks. But now you know what load the multiple muscle groups.

Exercise 1. Lunges.   This is one of the best exercises not only for priests, but also for the posture. The main thing is to implement it correctly. Lunges train gluteal muscle, the quadriceps and hip muscles. The proposed variation is to carry out a weighting in order to not only work the muscles of the lower body, but also the top. So, moving from words to deeds.

• Option 1.   Stand up straight, hands with dumbbells omitted along the body. On the inhale set the right foot forward as far as possible. Bend your knee so that it was just above the ankle. On the exhale, return to starting position. Make 10 - 20 repetitions for each leg.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 2.   Starting position as the Embodiment 1. Now, when you take a step forward, bend your elbows to the dumbbells were approximately at the level of the chest. Repeat 10-20 times for each leg.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 3.   Starting position as the Embodiment 1. expose right leg forward at the same time raise your arms straight with the load to the level of the chest. Excellent worked out upper back. The number of repetitions is the same.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 4.   At the same time the way you do a lunge, arms out to the sides, bending at the elbows. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 - 20 times.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 5.   Another way to perform attacks are attacks with simultaneous rise of direct hands up. Make 10 - 20 repetitions for each leg.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 6.   Stand up straight. Hands bend at the elbows so that the dumbbells were at the waist, his fingers looked at each other. Take a step the right foot forward and expand the body to the left. This exercise develops the muscles of the central part of the body. Return to starting position. Repeat 10 - 20 times for each leg.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

Optionally, include all the options in a training program. Rotate them, so you do not get bored to do. But we know that boredom - the main enemy of the good form.

Exercise 2.   Now go to the floor. It will not only train the muscles of the back, and abdominal muscles. So, the basic version. Starting position - lie down on the floor. Legs straight, arms down along the body. Now bend your knees, feet on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your arms and shoulders off the floor. You should not they help themselves, it is so you reduce the load. Make about 100 rapid movements up and down his arms, straining muscles. Breathe right. Count 5 movements and breathe, then 5 movements - and exhale. If you do it right, you'll notice that breathing helps you cope with stress. And now a little modify this exercise.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 1.   Lying on the floor, arms and legs straight. Now put one foot on the toe of the other foot. On the inhale tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your shoulders off the floor and hands. And repeat the motion with his hands, as set out in the basic exercises. Return to starting position and change legs. Remember that the lower back should be pressed to the floor.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 2.   The starting position in the base case. As you inhale, lift your legs up and bend at the knees. Now tighten your abs and lift the body. Again, make 100 rhythmic arm movements up and down. This exercise can be more difficult if the raised foot left straight.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 3.   This exercise will make you sweat. So, lying on the floor, lift the straight leg at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the floor. On the inhale tighten your abdominal muscles and take direct hands behind your head so that they are parallel to the ears. Now try to take a little hand a little bit more back towards the floor and then return to the previous level (parallel to the ears). Such movements have to do rhythmically 100 times. When will type form, you can do 10 sets of 100 times.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

• Option 4.   And, of course, "bicycle". Lie on your back, arms bent at the elbows and are behind his head. Raise both your right elbow and left knee. Thus it is not necessary to touch them. It would be right if they just tend to each other. Make 10-20.

 Exercises for the formation of posture. Part 3

This is not all the exercises that will help make your back healthy and beautiful.
Remember that before training is required to warm up, perform the exercises slowly and gradually increase the number of repetitions. Since we are talking about the back, a responsible approach to technology implementation. Do not be lazy, and you'll be rewarded.
Author: Vera Karabutova