Almost every girl at least once in their lives, change their way, and the easiest way to do this is to change hairstyles. Here the choice is rich: it is possible and paint and trim and braid hair in a braid, and it's not all possible variants ... It all depends on your imagination and wishes.
To refresh your style, it is not necessary to radically change something, paint or cut hair, just enough to make the new styling, weaving unusual or more complex evening hairstyle. In order to understand the trends of the summer, we try to understand exactly what hairstyles are relevant, analyze the most interesting options.
In the current summer season is especially important
feminine romantic image
. The hairstyles is manifested in the following: hair color or a natural or close to natural, no aggressive colors or items should be avoided.

In fashion hairstyles that are elementary, and just as easily worn. That is, this type of hairstyles simple and concise, minimum effort and maximum pleasure from the simplicity. They do not require the use of varnish or a large number of pins. While modern women prefer to surround styling, well-groomed hair smooth and do not go out of fashion.
Relevant in the summer season are the following options for hairstyles: parted, natural curls, careless curls, wet effect, braids, tails and different bangs. Now a little bit more about each type of hair. The hair, parted in the middle cleaned - this is an excellent choice for this summer. But skew or curly hair partings are best left to other seasons.

Careless natural curls
as a small curl or light waves - the best choice for the beach. These hairstyles are performed quickly, creates the effect as if no installation is not at all. It is also possible to add to this
the effect of wet hair
. Neraschesannye hair as if only after the soul - is the favorite hairstyle magazines. In summer, these hairstyles are The cutting, especially in hot weather.

- Hair for centuries. Weave will never go out of fashion, perhaps just a little bit modified. The most fashionable classic braids are combined with vybivshimisya of common hairstyle locks.

As braids
- Is comfortable casual hairstyle that is always popular. This summer, the preferred ponytails combined with 1-2 thin braids.

A special place is occupied in the summer hairstyles
. They can be long, but, above all, perfectly smooth. Additional overhead bang fashion, they may even be different for some of the basic colors of hair color.

That summer, intolerable heat, many women visited the idea that it is necessary to change the hairstyle, make it easier and more convenient. Normally at this time of the year it is difficult to walk with long hair, you want to get rid of the burden and make the head lighter. Here are the most interesting options for short haircuts.
Tousled hairstyle with long bangs.
It's a pretty short haircut, but with asymmetrical bangs long. This hairstyle can be worn in two ways: first, that was combed bangs and removed on one side, and the second, on the contrary, that was tousled bangs, creating the effect of negligence.

Equally important will be
cropped hair with shaved temples
But this haircut suit extremely courageous natures, ready to experiment. This bold, masculine hairstyle
haircut in the style of glam rock
, Suitable girls with a rebellious character. Bright accent, made in a different color on the sides make a haircut even more interesting.

No less daring will
hairstyle "a la champignon"
Made with a modern twist, with original bangs. This ultra short haircut, but at the same time feminine.
There are haircuts that will never go out of fashion, and only slightly modified taking into account the style of the time. Such is the modern version of haircuts haircuts who wore
Audrey Hepburn
. This short hair emphasizes correct facial features and makes the owner of this hairstyle is much younger.

Haircut "Bob".
This is a classic hairstyle, which is quite a simple form, especially suited to girls, who by nature straight hair.

The current summer season dictates rather bold options short cuts on the one hand, and, on the other hand, simple and easy hairstyles for long hair that are not complicated by any elements and, so to say, closer to natural.