At first, this product causes a lot of questions. But everything is much easier than it sounds, I assure you! With the help of our scheme is very easy to give sexy skin glow.
Recently, a very popular liquid-highlighter markers. The question immediately arises: how to use them, especially those thin brushes?
One of the most popular products in this segment - highlighter-liner from YSL.
Benefit offered bottles resembling nail polishes - High Beam (glowing light pink) and Moon Beam (glowing apricot).
Normally liquid highlighter markers, fitted with a thin brush and a definite plus is why I, for example, liked the product - easy to use and do not need to choose the right brush. And some of them can really be taken for a nail polish.
Here is a luminous texture of the skin - like a drop of liquid pearl.

High Beam, Moon Beam
One has only to try it, and you can not do without the glow, which gives highlighter. And how to do it right? For you, a brief guide:
If you have young skin, flawless, in good condition, the highlighter can be applied directly to the skin. If you go in everyday life without tone or powder, the highlighter will not hurt, they can simply highlight the natural skin tone.
If you are a foundation, the highlighter is applied over them. That is, the first foundation and powder and liquid highlighter - the finishing touch. This is not a masking product, it lays down a transparent layer and plays the role of glare. That is, it can be a little "sculpt" the person who places the highlighted highlighter, will be allocated.
Sometimes rastushevyvaniya highlighter does not require, but if it receives a thick layer, then pat with fingertips to the product as possible to drive into the skin layer becomes smooth glittering veil. Some makeup artists use a brush for shading, you decide for yourself - is more convenient to you.
It looks like a thick layer of liquid highlighter and carefully shade
First, put on a small point on each temple. If a wide forehead, then put a point closer to the center. If a narrow forehead, short, the dot on the top of the forehead, the forehead may be slightly expand and make it more harmonious. Watch for symmetry!
Put a point in the middle of the chin. But if the chin is too prominent and large, it is possible, on the other hand, skip this step, and then the heavy chin sniveliruetsya.
Next, select the nose, but do not bring to the tip of the nose, and then he will "burn" in the rays of light.
Put on the two strokes on each cheekbone. Again, watch out for symmetry!
Bonus tip:
between two strokes on the cheeks that can put a dab of special luminous liquid blush. Highlighter or different shade, and then the volume will be particularly glamorous glow! For example, there blush Benefit Benetint or Posietint
Photo: MyCharm.ru, makeupandbeautyblog.com