 Here is the next generation of the fountain of youth.

Nowadays, Botox and Restylane, only one injection may change the whole image. Indeed, several injections can smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, clean lines create the puffy lips, like a schoolgirl, but the handling of the whole face can cost several hundred dollars per visit, enough pain and huge bruises after the beating, such that you want clock wearing a ski mask. What's the worst side? Results are disappearing faster than a bag of M & Ms - at, as you will feel and notice for yourself even the slightest change. Every three - six months you will need to return to the surgery to correct changes occurred.

Not surprisingly (given the potential of possible profits) that medical-technical industry works overtime to create a new class of treatments, the result of which a longer, more natural. But, while some doctors excited imminent progress, others are excited expected downturn in business, which could occur if patients will visit them much less. They also warn that the longer action procedures can mean long-term complications.

Lately not stop talking about ArteFill , The first vehicle, whose effect lasts for about five years. "Since February, that's when we launched the product, have been trained about 650 specialists," - enthuses Gustri Diane (Diane Goostree), President and CEO of Artes Medical, manufacturer of ArteFill. Approved by the FDA in October 2006, it includes a filler microspheres made from the same material as the ordinary dentures and Plexiglas, contained in bovine collagen and lidocaine. After ArteFill injected into the dermis, bovine collagen, eventually replaces human collagen that the body produces to protect themselves from the microspheres, as well as pearl oyster produces around a foreign object, forming a pearl. While both ArteFill is especially effective for deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds (just one - two procedures to achieve results), doctors use it to address the various scars and cracked lips.

Sculptra   - Another proof filler - is recommended for volume restoration sunken individual patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. However, doctors in their practice using this medication affects its ability to prevent the natural aging face. Jennifer Linder (Jennifer Linder), a dermatologist from Scottsdale, Arizona, Sculptra compares with "liquid tightening means" perfect for the sunken cheeks and the area under the eyes. Enough for two to four treatments using Sculptra, to gradually restore the volume that lasts about two years.