Problems with the environment in big cities are becoming the cause of a growing number of diseases, each year adding to the already long list of permanent "megalopolis disease" as chronic fatigue syndrome, or ODS. Any resident even million-plus city, existing in a dense environment of millions of cars, chronically short of oxygen.
The body begins to suffer from hypoxia (lack of oxygen), the easiest of which are the effects of drowsiness, malaise, stress, nervousness and a general deterioration of health. The air we breathe is a single oxygen, a mixture of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. But oxygen plays a crucial role as the body carries the hemoglobin, participates in the process of cell renewal and metabolism. What can we say about the fact that if the brain is placed in an oxygen free space, he will live there no more than 3-5 minutes. The researchers cite data that the amount of oxygen in the metropolitan areas of at least half the norm, which means that our body is deprived of exactly half a vital component for healthy living. Any human body with a deficiency of oxygen works worse, hence the disease, deterioration of health and appearance.
Oxygen today is in great demand in all its manifestations. Especially women carefully watching him, taken note of new technologies to restore and maintain your body in unsuitable, from an environmental point of view, the place of residence. We'll talk with one of these well-groomed and educated women with writer Lena Lenina and she told us about her beauty secrets oxygen.
Lena Lenina:
"One of my oxygen tricks I could not share, because of its wide popularity.
This secret is simple
and it's called "sleep in the open air." Even if I work in a major metropolis during the day, at night I always leave to sleep out of the city, in the green zone. Because as much as 8 hours or more, during sleep or the body can breathe clean air in the countryside, or may suffer in the stifling atmosphere of polluted city. Not to mention the electromagnetic radiation of phone antennas and noise of trucks.
My second secret
- A common method in recent oxygen - oxygen inhalation. This reduces the inhalation toxicity harmful substances and is very useful for people with kidney damage, suffering from suffocation, nervous diseases and people suffering from obesity. I use as an inhalation prevention of these diseases. The blood is saturated with oxygen, high-grade supplies the body and brings it to the tone, improves overall health, mood, increases efficiency.
The third secret of oxygen
- An oxygen facial and body.
All kinds of Oxygen peelings and spa programs allow both moisturize, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. These spa treatments - the best way to improve the appearance of skin. They add color face and nullify the earthy hue. The skin tone is aligned due to the oxygen saturation of the cells. The spa-Bontabelle Novocheremushkinskaya on, for example, has a special oxygen cocktail for sensitive and prone to irritations of the skin, which I assume every time I arrive in Moscow. Such procedures help to quickly make up for the oxygen balance and moisturize the skin.

The fourth secret of oxygen
for beauty pens. For sensitive and dry skin of hands before a manicure, for example, useful to do the oxygen treatments that contain in its composition has a number of additional substances that are involved in all metabolic processes of the skin. The Network manicure studio Lena Lenina such care consists of several stages and allows first remove the irritation, moisturize and cleanse the skin, and then immediately saturate it with nutrients, relieve fatigue and give freshness and lightness.
The fifth secret of oxygen
- Oxygen, or so-called pearl, bath. The name they received due to air bubbles, shimmering pearls. The beneficial effects they have had due to the effect the whirlpool, contrast temperature effects of water and air, as well as other substances that can be added to process salt, aromatic oils. There is a rapid enrichment of the entire body with oxygen due to penetration into the skin.

On the sixth secret advanced ladies you have probably heard of. This oxygen cocktails. Tubeless enteral oxygen therapy - the official name of the cocktail. The drink contains 99% oxygen gas and foaming agents: herbal teas, licorice root, syrups and juices. Product idea is that oxygen can actively absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach and the blood vessels permanently increase the content of oxygen in the blood with all its positive consequences benefit. Such oxygen miracle drink can now be found everywhere, from the fitness clubs and health centers to individual points of sale in the city's parks. With regular use of beverage, 2-3 servings a week, improves digestion, metabolism and can even gradually lose weight. What is especially important during the summer vacation. In general, breathe health! ".

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova