Last article about Victoria's Journal T Magazine talks about it as a very capable working mother who manages to deal with the little daughter Harper, combining it with work. But the remarkable article was due to a tricky question, given the success of Victoria: Why is she never smiles?
This question excites fans and journalists for a long time. The Internet goes a lot of jokes and fotozhab on this topic. Only now Victoria openly asked about it.
What resourceful celebrity retorted: "Actually, I smile. In family photos. " And she added: "I think I'll look a little abnormal, if I am constantly smiling, because for me is always followed by the paparazzi, even if I was just walking down the street."
However, the publication illustrated the words of Victoria is not quite successful photo. At least, it is difficult to call the family.

But the photo shoot under the code name "working mom" T Magazine have turned out great. Victoria shot her in this apartment, which she currently rents in London for work.

Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina