The company "Mistral" to your attention a new contest for recipes with wild rice.
The contest "Secrets of wild rice"
It gives you the opportunity to compete in cooking
recipes with wild rice
. The recipe must use different types of
wild rice, or mixtures thereof with wild rice
Confirming this photo.
What will be assessed?
Filing and registration of dishes, serving, original recipes, are relevant to the competition.
- Registration counter at the thematic style of competition;
- In the recipe to be used ingredient
wild rice and wild rice mixture with TM "Mistral"
(View - on the user's choice).
Recipes are accepted
from September 9 to October 6, 2013
The competition results will be announced:
October 11, 2013
For the winners of the company
provided the following prizes:
1st place - Cleaner Air Pegasus Stadler Form

2nd place - Ultrasonic humidifier Poseidon Stadler Form
3rd place - humidifier Oskar Stadler Form
4th place - Heater Max Stadler Form
5th place - Ceramic heater Anna Stadler Form

Guaranteed prize: fragrances Jasmine Stadler Form
It provided the first 20-participants who place the 7 competing recipes and more.
Read the terms and to take part in the competition & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova