The motto of this November - "not to be discouraged and do not give up! ". After only two months - the New Year holidays, and this time - is optimal in order to lose weight or simply the size of the clean figure flaws. Start (or continue) a measured and deliberate weight loss right now, you still laugh at those who a week before the New Year's party frantically will search for miracle diet for immediate weight loss (at best in order to meet again with him after the New Year feast). You are not yet with us? Come on Diets.ru thin dull, and at the same time, participate in monthly contests with great prizes:
"Best User of the Month"
- Prizes from the sponsor of the contest,
Philips brand
will find you - get involved in the dialogue, show activity on the site and the prize (and in November it - three gadget beauty of your hair) do not go!
Details on the conditions of competition http://www.diets.ru/post/309095/
Photo Contest
"Before and after"
- You have become slim, and it's all the notice? Place the photos "before and after" of his weight loss and win on home appliances sponsor of the contest -
brand Scarlett!
Learn more and download a photo to the contest http://www.diets.ru/post/310086/
"Recipe of the Month"
- Do you know how many different, easy and dietichnyh dishes can be prepared from cabbage? Surely you know! And your recipe will help replenish the cookbooks of all users of the site. The authors of the three best recipes await prizes
online store ePosuda.ru
Learn the rules and take part in the competition http://www.diets.ru/post/315124/

Author: Diets.ru