As is known, the problems of the spine, stoop and scoliosis lead to a variety of diseases, squeezing internal organs and blood stagnation. But often because of the nature of laziness or lack of time, we are not prepared to spend several hours a day for special exercises and lectures about the need for correct posture rarely have the desired effect.
One of the "light" version of the corrected posture - rag tight corsets. But, unfortunately, they only complicate the situation. Indeed, in times of wearing a corset you straighten your back, but it occurs due to the pressure belt. Because of this, the back muscles will atrophy, since it is no longer necessary to control the posture. It is necessary to remove the corset - back relaxing, again taking her usual "twisted" position. On the aesthetic side of the issue is not even worth talking about. With the cast will have to forget about the tight T-shirts and dresses.
Physical exercise - another way of correcting posture. Beauties of the last century a few hours a day of walking around the house with a book on your head, sleeping on hard beds, and perform a variety of heavy exercise, for example, on the slopes of hyperextension or lifting the legs in position "lying". Sports useful to all, and in the struggle for a healthy back, he can be a great assistant. But, unfortunately, in our time, not everyone has enough time to fitness, and some are not ready for loading.
Fortunately, now there is an alternative to combat stoop - "Master of posture". Miniature device the size of a five-ruble coin is attached to the body of a special removable sticker.
One memorize the position of your back straight, it will vibrate silently, once you deviate from the desired position by more than 3%. Thanks to the "Master of posture" begin to work the back muscles that "remember" the correct position of the back, gradually getting used to it. Effective "feedback" develops the habit of self-control and discipline, so after a month of using the device, you get rid of the stoop and possible problems with the body.

Author: Julia Gnedina