Coffee horoscope
 We rarely think about how much we talk about the things we surround ourselves. Meanwhile, psychologists believe that the ability to listen to the voice of the talking objects can teach us better to understand and to themselves, and in the surrounding people. Even a cup of coffee, which we usually start the day - it's very bright detail on which you can judge a person's character as a whole. So that tells you about your favorite coffee?

Espresso coffee in the east.   The method of preparation is different, and the result is similar - a small cup of strong drink, absorbed the maximum flavor and aroma of the coffee bean, a kind of concentrate of energy and good mood. This drink prefer solid and purposeful nature, who know how to get the best results by applying a minimum of effort. Although it is alien sentimentality, this coffee lovers are able to appreciate the true feelings. They sometimes blame relatives for minor weaknesses, but these often make heroic deeds in the name of friendship and love. The ability to creatively rethink even the most ordinary everyday things makes them indispensable in the creative fields.

 Coffee horoscope

Cappuccino . Wonderful coffee with a thick milk foam, which is the master skillfully painted with exquisite designs. Prepare a coffee at home without a coffee machine with a special nozzle is impossible, so fans of Cappuccino is usually at his drink go to a coffee shop. This is not surprising, because they communicate as necessary, as well as coffee. These romantic nature sensitively capture nuances and undertones of human relations. They are very gentle and vulnerable, so do very protective of the people around. They know how to be grateful, appreciate, and pleasant things like comfort. They fit work related to active communication - it is a natural element for lovers of cappuccino, where they thrive and are able to achieve great success.

 Coffee horoscope

Americano.   Large cup of fragrant, but not too strong drink, you can enjoy all the benefits of coffee without causing excessive tonic impact on the body. This option is chosen by people seeking a reasonable compromise, but do not want to deny yourself the pleasure. As a rule, they differ in balance and calm character, so skillfully maneuvering between the contradictions of life, without altering its principles. In relations with people particularly appreciate reliability. In love require partner sincerity and care, can not tolerate vagueness and does not forgive lies. They know how to intelligently prioritize and often biased toward hard work, of which often make great talented analysts and financiers.

 Coffee horoscope

Latte and Mocha . Combines these beverages is that they are prepared by adding sugar, milk and other ingredients optionally including various syrups and chocolate. This space variations love those who love variety and abhors monotony. For such people every day life - it is an occasion for a little holiday, which they are happy to share with others. These solar optimists will always find a reason to rejoice with them warm, easy and fun. In difficult circumstances, they will substitute the friendly shoulder and help you find positive things, even if it seems that their life is no longer there. In love, as in life in general, looking for positive emotions, so they can be enchanted frivolous individuals who know how to create the illusion of a holiday for others. In the psychological comfort of an excellent job with any job.

 Coffee horoscope

Cold coffee drinks.   There are many recipes for cold cocktails based on natural coffee. They use a lot of love from the temperamental energetic natures, who do not want to wait for them to cool down with a drink and prefer to immediately enjoy its taste. Such an approach, they demonstrate to all other aspects of life: to satisfy their curiosity or to get rid of negative emotions, they tend to immediately, as soon as the need arises. Not tolerate any manifestations of insincerity and respond with characteristic vehemence that sometimes, especially in romantic relationships, can lead to misunderstandings. They are indispensable in situations where you need to defend someone's interests, particularly well they do to defend an important, but not indisputable projects in which they truly believe.

 Coffee horoscope

Of course, these characteristics are quite arbitrary and not all coffee drinkers fit a clear classification. But without exception coffee lovers dream is to drink obtained from them tasty and fragrant. But the fact that it needs to comply with certain rules, even coffee gourmets sometimes, unfortunately, forgotten.

 Coffee horoscope
 Rule 1.   Prepare a good coffee from bad raw materials can not be even a real magician. So it is worth to buy only high-quality coffee, such as Tchibo Exclusive. This coffee, created by professionals, provide perfect conditions for growing grain, collection, roasting and packaging is 100% composed of delicate Arabica beans, and has a really intense flavor and exquisite aroma.

Rule 2 . If the drink, which is obtained "output" you something does not suit, it is not worth it, hoping to get the best result increase the amount of coffee per serving, it is better to remember Rule 1.

Rule 3 . A huge role in the preparation of delicious coffee water plays. Ideally, it is best to use spring, but in our case will fit and passed through a good filter. But normal tap may irreparably damage the perfect drink.

Rule 4 . Keep the coffee should be in a dry place where there are no sudden changes in temperature (locker stove is not suitable) and products with a pungent odor. It is strictly forbidden to get into the bag or jar with a spoon coffee wet - wet detrimental to flavor and aroma of coffee.

Rule 5 . Dishes, in which the coffee is prepared and served at the table, it is better to keep separate from other kitchen appliances and washing neutral means no smell or regular soda, which perfectly removes coffee deposits.

Author: Julia Gnedina