Good sleep - the guarantee of health, beauty and success in your work ... It is clear to many. Check whether you eat before bedtime is something that can keep you awake. Try to eliminate these foods and drinks after dinner.
1. Coffee.
Furthermore, it is caffeine, it is also extra sugar. Even in the coffee with milk. Try not to drink coffee after four o'clock. If we had (meeting with friends in a cafe, or a date in a restaurant), ask for coffee without caffeine. However, keep in mind that the decaffeinated coffee still contains it, just in smaller concentrations.
2. Tea.
Tea contains enough caffeine, and if you're used to drink a cup of tea in the evening, choose teas are also low in caffeine and better fruit or flower teas. But it is necessary to know that green tea - a product with caffeine.
3. Chocolate.
All the same caffeine and sugar. Although one truffle, of course, does not hurt, but the whole box will be reflected not only in a dream, but also on the thighs.
4. Spicy foods.
Although it warms, but sharp snack will keep you excited and very active for a long time. If you love spicy food, limit your lunch or early dinner.
5. Foods rich in proteins.
It also gives a lot of energy and makes it active. For the evening, choose low-protein food.
6. Candy.
Sweet is not there in the evening. The body does not have time to process it, and everything goes into fat.
7. Pizza.
It turns out that not only protein and spices, are contained in pizza, prevent you from falling asleep. Many varieties of cheese is also undesirable to have dinner.

Author: Julia Gnedina