How to make a body scrub
 Before the holidays we all fall into time trouble. Absolutely no time to buy presents, prepare the home to welcome guests to purchase products for New Year's table ... and going to the salon, many, of course, victims in such a hurry.

But a few minutes in the evening we are currently unable to pay. Therefore, we can easily put himself in order, even if not very necessary. For example, a good body scrub.

It can make itself. Here is a very simple recipe: Coffee Scrub . The aroma will excite you and lift your mood. Coffee - the ingredients for the lymphatic drainage procedures, and anti-cellulite effect is also inconclusive.

To scrub you need:

- 2 cups of coffee (ground, it is possible and the coffee grounds)
- Half a cup or a cup of sugar
- 3 tablespoons oil (olive suit, grape, almond).

Mix all ingredients and apply on moist warm skin (after a bath). Be sure to massage all the problem areas. Then rinse with warm water. The skin becomes smooth and silky.

This peeling can be refrigerated, but not more than a week.

Author: Julia Gnedina