Remember the news about a new advertising campaign Balenciaga and shaved hair Gisele Bundchen? Brazilian fans all over the world then very sorry that no longer see the famous beach wave of the favorite. But the author of the idea encouraged by Alexander Wang: Hair Giselle have not gone away, and shaved his head the stars - no more than a computer trick.
In order to simulate a new hairstyle Giselle, seize opportunities Photoshop. Alexander Wang in an interview with Style.com described in detail how it was in reality.

At first, Giselle did for "cap" with a "shaved head". She wore it for the filming of advertising. This was done to ensure that the environment (shadows, reflections and so on.) Are not issued, that the model was shot with long hair.
Parallel to this, she was invited to shoot the double-model Gisele. Here it is just hair cut as like Alexander Wang. She was shot in absolutely the same positions in which Bundchen was photographed. And when the pictures were ready, the designer of computer graphics could only combine two images taking shape and the face of the Brazilian, and the hair of her twin.

Photo: Balenciaga
Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina