Daily shaving - is a procedure without which it can not do almost no one man. Providing comfort and high quality of the process, Braun shavers offers designed for a person who appreciates the functionality and the highest quality in everything that surrounds him in his life. That is why, finding his razor, which gives him a sense of comfort and a perfectly smooth skin - after it no matter what it will not exchange
The epitome of these qualities is the famous soccer coach Jose Mourinho, who became the face of razor Braun. Jose Mourinho - the world-renowned coach, whom many called one of the greatest and most talented coaches in the history of football. Thanks to the incredible charisma, self-confidence and flawless operation Braun shaver Jose compelling in all situations - and on the football field, and at press conferences and in everyday life.
Braun experts are constantly working to improve the quality of its products, using advanced scientific development. This year is an updated model of Braun shavers Series 3 390cc.

Shaver Braun Series 3 390cc
It has become even more attractive thanks to the updated modern design. New Mesh SensoFoil ™ has been developed by leading experts Braun and constructed in such a way that the holes are of different size and position on the grid, even easier cutting hairs, reducing irritation from shaving.
Shaver Braun Series 3 390 is also equipped with three independent floating shaving elements that adapt to the contours of the face and easy to shave stubble lengths.
Shaver Braun Series 3 390cc is perfect for those who travel frequently - it is sold complete with a convenient carrying case and a protective cover for the blades, easily placed into any travel bag. Now, the usual comfortable, quick shave can be accessed away from your home!
Every follower of the dry shaving knows how difficult it is to clean the shaver. Besides the fact that the razor Braun Series 3 390cc easy to clean under running water, it is equipped with the technology Clean & Renew ™. Just one click of a button - and the system automatically cleans, dries, moistens the razor and charges the battery. Enjoy using new razor every morning with the Braun Series 3 390cc.
Author: Lavrushina Lyudmila