Competition "Wild West" gives you the opportunity to compete in cooking recipes with wild rice. The recipe must use different types of [wild rice], confirming this photo.
What will be assessed? Filing and registration of dishes, serving, original recipes, are relevant to the competition.
Recipe ingredient should be used
wild rice
Company "Mistral" (sort of - on the user's choice). The options are listed on the product page of the company's products "Mistral", registration counter at the thematic style competition.
Recipes are accepted
from January 30 to February 26, 2012
The competition results will be announced:
March 2, 2012
For the winners of the company
provided the following prizes:
1st place - Set fondue Gipfel

2nd place - Cookware set Vitesse

3rd place - Philips juicer

Incentive prizes: 5 authors of interesting works will be awarded with production company "Mistral" - 6 kg of different varieties of wild rice.

Read the terms and to take part in the competition & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: Povarenok.ru