It shocked the fashion world - the American magazine Vogue, is for many a kind of bible class and style, put on the cover of the scandalous couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. After the incident, the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar, best known for the television series "Buffy", even publicly said it would refuse to subscribe to the magazine.
Remove the cover of the famous magazine was a dream life, Kim. In the photo, she appears to readers in the arms of the wife in her wedding dress and Lanvin.
Immediately rumors that rapper Kanye West paid Anna Ventura, editor of the journal, a tidy sum. And, of course, denied all Wintour. According to the chief editor Kim with Kanye on the cover was chosen because it is an excellent and provocative performer, while Kim epitomizes the strength of character - because Kardashian was able to win his place in the world of celebrities of the first magnitude.

Indeed, a couple of messages on the Internet often accompany hashtag #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple (the most popular pair).
Photo by Kim and Kanye - legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz (Annie Leibovitz).

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova