Writer Lena Lenina decided to rest after the writing of the new book "Business lunch in" Bristol "and the secrets of success in business" and before it is released to the discovery of the book fair. She will also have an exhausting series of autograph sessions with readers and conferences on the topic of a new book, so she flew to Paris and went to gather strength and to swim in the Indian Ocean. And in order to bring themselves into a coherent physical form to a new shock imaging season, it is not only all day swims, snourklingom, canoeing, but also the beginning of a new exotic diet. What are we, and it questioned.
Revision: "Lena, I heard about your new original diet, what is its essence?
Lena Lenina:
"The singularity of my new diet lies in the fact that it consists of the few fruits that are not only in Russia but also in Paris, it is difficult to buy: dragon fruit, papaya, mangosteen and durian
. Also, it includes less rare mango and plum
. And so the whole day
. Well, a couple of boiled eggs in the morning with polstakanchikom nonfat yogurt
. And in the evenings, and little bit of freshly roasted tuna with herbs
. But as many exotic fruits and whole day
. Some of them are very unusual
. For example, Dragon fruit, Dragon Fruit, or Pitahaya
. The tree on which the fruit grows with outstanding appearance - a bushy tree cactus, at the ends of the stems which ripen juicy fruit
. The funny thing is that the flowers appear in it strictly for the first and fifteenth day of the month
. Flesh color is white or pink, the color of the skin - from red to orange, and on the surface of the fruit has small outgrowths and thin colored flakes
. The fruit pulp is filled with small black seeds that are made to clean
. Taste Pitahaya very gentle and delicate, not aromatic, unsaturated, slightly sweet
. Attractive to look at the fruit dragon fruit is actively used by local natives in cooking and Pitahaya juice mixed with lemon and lime for the preparation of beverages
. I usually slice the fruit into segments, just as the cut melon and scoop out the flesh with a spoon
. Although Pitahaya seeds rich in valuable lipids, they usually are not digested, unless they are chewed
. Do not eat the skin
. Dragon fruit - low-calorie dietary product, 100 g of which there are only 45 kcal, so for those who want it is very useful postroynet

The next fruit of my new diet - the mangosteen. It also can not be found in any supermarket. Its fruit the size of a small apple dark purple. Under the thick, inedible peel, the pulp is edible, like a large garlic cloves. Only their flesh is sweet with sour, very tasty, not like anything. And seedless. I joined the mangosteen to their diet not only because it is delicious, but also because natural biologically active substances contained in mangosteen are very useful and reduce any inflammation in the body.
Another important element of my diet vkusnyuschey - papaya. It is found in almost all tropical countries, and its fruits grow on trees, are cylindrical elongated shape up to 20 centimeters in length. Unripe papaya is widely used in cooking, salads made from it, such as the famous spicy Thai salad som tam with her stewed meat and a fried. But ripe papaya raw delicious and sweet. On the invoice, it resembles a dense melon and taste something between a pumpkin and melon.
The favorite part of my new menu is a mango. I drink all day fresh juices mango. They are so dense that the tube is directly in the cups. Not for nothing is the most delicious mango fruit in the world. But the taste and aroma of mangoes on the islands of the Indian Ocean is very different from what is sold in our stores. Here, the fruits are much more fragrant, juicy, and the taste is more intense. And indeed, when you eat fresh, ripe mango, grown, for example, in the Maldives, it seems that there is nothing tastier. I want to bring here some fruit home to Paris. I'll take the average maturity of the fruit, greenish color, they are well preserved and will mature on the road or at home.

Here I fell in love with another previously unknown piece of fruit, which is simply called - Rose apple, Rose apple, chom-poo. But this is not an apple. This is the most amazing fruit in the world. It has the shape of a bell. Fresh, crisp, it is unique in that it is a nice, very delicate taste and smell have a distinct aroma and taste of roses. It can only be enjoyed here and bring it home, I can not, because this delicate fruit keeps its freshness for a short time. From broth made of rose apple rose water.
Well, even the most unusual and controversial element of my new diet - this Durian King of fruits, or
. It is forbidden to bring into the five-star hotels, and I have to buy my hotel manager and then strictly destroy traces of durian in the room
. And all because he stinks terribly, and this is dangerous for the interior of the complex expensive gostnichnogo
. It is not easy to carry in secret because of durian fruits are very large, up to 8 kilograms
. The fruit, known to the whole world its smell, but very few have tried it
. His smell like the smell of onions, garlic and dirty men's shoes
. With it because of the smell prohibited held in decent public places
. For a reminder of the ban is, for example, hang signs with images of fruits crossed
. The sweet flesh has a very soft consistency, and does not correspond to the unpleasant smell
. Try the fruit should be at least for the reason that many people have heard about it, but few dare to try
. And in vain
. The taste is very pleasant, and the fruit is considered to be Asia's most valuable fruit
. He's a very high-calorie and healthy
. In durian and reputation as a strong aphrodisiac
. I do not drink alcohol, but those who use dangerous to eat durian in the day, since after its use raises blood pressure and can lead to serious consequences "

Revision: "Lena, as you feel, diet works? "
Lena Lenina:
"I feel such a diet as well, even if it is thick, I would not refuse to live in it a couple of weeks. But along with sports in the fresh air, I think it worked perfectly! And if does not work, then I'll stay in this paradise forever to open a couple of studios of web manicure studio Lena Lenina and I will drink every day Fresh papaya! ".
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova