African passion. Part 1
 If you are a lover of unusual and exotic, the distinctive, original and stylish afropricheski just for you!

In today's world of fashion for African hair styles long existed. And, surprisingly, not only persists, but, over time, it is becoming more and more followers. One of the most popular afroprichesok today - it afrokosichki, "progenitors" of this modern hairstyles were small braids that residents braided hot Africa. This was due, most likely, with the hot weather, because such pigtails in the heat much easier than with a thick head of hair. In addition, these braids were very common in African sorcerers and shamans. It was believed that this haircut is able to protect its owner from negative witchcraft practices. They believed that in pigtails is the strength and power that could attract the attention of others, to get them to obey every word or cheering their every act.

Thanks to the Europeans who migrated to other countries and continents, the Africans have not lost their traditions and continued to braid pigtails in the New and Old World. Subsequently, European and American masters afropricheski adapted to their white-skinned clients, because the structure and thickness of the hair in Caucasoid and Negroid representatives of very different races. Given the characteristics of the hair of Europeans, stylists and make a change in the very traditional for Africans, weaving technology, adapting it for the less dense and weaker European hair.

Pros afroprichesok:

1.   Change the color and length of hair, without compromising them. However, this is possible only under three conditions: binding up the braids highly skilled craftsmen, using a synthetic fiber kannekalona and in compliance with the rules of care for a period afrokosichki socks.

2.   Choosing the right afropricheska allows you to increase the volume of hair two or three times, which looks very impressive.

3.   Hair braided in pigtails, are not subject to the adverse effects of styling products and hot air in drying their hair dryer.

4.   A large range of hairstyles afrokosichek will satisfy all needs and wishes.

The process of splicing pigtails

Currently, there are several main types of African tangles: dreadlocks, braids sinegalskie, afrokosichki, harnesses, French braids, pony Tail, ripple, Zizi, twist, curl, Leslie et al.   The industry is not standing still, constantly emerging and are in vogue new types of weaving.

To create afropricheski enough to have their own hair 3-4 cm, as in any case the braid is woven from synthetic fiber (kannekalon, acrylic, threads, etc..). Even if your hair is thick and long enough, "real" African braids braid of them is impossible, since it is necessary to have cornrows straight across the length and sufficiently dense. Therefore, only a synthetic material can cope with this task. In the process of weaving master must necessarily ask braids in the right direction, but the hairstyle completely take shape after 2-3 days. At the end of the procedure, depending on the weave and the thickness and density of the natural hair, obtained from 140 to 200 braids.
Important!   If you have weak hair, they can not withstand the heavy loads of the majority of the methods of weaving. Before you decide to do afroprichesku, you must first strengthen their hair and consult a doctor.

Correction afroprichesok

Typically hairstyle lasts from 1 to 6 months duration depends on socks professional master, and the length, thickness and color of the selected material. However, among the professionals have the opinion that instead of correcting easier untwist the hair and create a new hairstyle.

Care afropricheskami:

1.   No need to comb afrokosichki (except pony Psalms and some other types of hairstyles, hair imitating nezapletennye). Comb can only damage the hair, pulling strands of hair.

2.   Washed hair can be dried hair dryer, but the stream of air to be cool, to avoid man-made fiber melted under high temperature. Sauna and sunbathe possible.

3.   Wash your head is recommended 10-15 days after splicing. Frequent shampooing will damage the hair and untidy mind. It is recommended to first apply the shampoo to the base of the head and massaging rinse. Then apply the shampoo directly on the long braids and head movements from the base to the tip gently rinse. Use balms and masks can not be!

4.   In the process of socks braids may appear itching from a rare shampooing or artificial material. Itching can be removed with special antiseptic drugs bought from a pharmacy (eg miramistin). It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab and promakivat entire scalp.


- Dystonia;

- Violation of the skin of the head;

- Fungal diseases;

- Neurodermatitis;

- Psoriasis;

- Pediculosis;

- hair loss;

- Seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis.

To be continued...

Author: Inna Sedykh