Beauty Recipes from my grandmother's trunk. Part two
 The good recipes of our grandmothers? However, they are used to maintain its beauty accessible, natural, low-cost components. In practice, they enjoyed the gifts of the natural environment, food from his table, and the results were good. Maybe now some of the ladies and look twenty years younger than his age, using the achievements of plastic surgery, but lose the agility glance, his naturalness, charm. Therefore, we will take care of its youth. Let's continue to get acquainted with the secrets of our grandmothers.

Let's talk about your skin

The best remedy for female skin - olive oil. A small bottle of unrefined olive oil, our grandmothers called "olive", and replace the cream and a mask for all skin types. If you can not buy a wide palette of cosmetics, buy olive oil. Even if only every evening to put on the face of a little olive oil and half an hour to remove the excess with a soft cloth, a couple of weeks you will see the change in his face. The skin seemed alive, smoothed, it becomes elastic. Olive oil solves the problem of excessive dryness, irritation, stimulates regeneration of skin cells. The most valuable tool that can replace several jars of cream.

The oil can thicken a piece of natural wax. Heat in a water bath in a small glass jar of baby food three tablespoons of olive oil and a piece of natural beeswax the size of a walnut. The heating should be conducted to melt the wax, can not overheat. The oil mixture was stirred well, then pour it will be similar to petroleum jelly. Before hardening, you can add a few drops of natural aromatic oils. For example, avocado oil, cardamom, almonds. The cream is applied well, in half an hour the excess must be removed. This ancient recipe and is the test of time.

 Beauty Recipes from my grandmother's trunk. Part two
 Face masks of our grandmothers

Scrolling recipes masks meaningless infinite number, but a few masks that can always be done from what is at hand, and that has always faithfully served the female beauty for generations, yet tell.

- Egg-yolk mask.   The yolk of one egg to rub by adding a drop of olive oil with a tablespoon, until thick. Then add a teaspoon of honey and another pound. The mask is best used in the evening, causing 20-30 minutes. Then just rinse. Good grass to wipe the face with ice cubes. Look at yourself in the mirror. Well, how? I say that our grandmothers knew magical means. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Mask perfectly nourishes, stimulates and rejuvenates the skin.

- Sour milk or creamy mask . Yes Yes. Yogurt, sour cream and cream that we buy every day - lovely beauticians. They should trust their skin. Good buy bran or finely grind oatmeal. Pour a spoonful of bran flakes or ground cream or yogurt (quarter cup) and let stand for half an hour in a water bath, hot water. You can mix with sour cream. The mask should warm up to a nice warm temperature. Apply for 15-30 minutes and wash off. No soap!

This mask nourishes and brightens the skin, tones and tightens it. For dry skin, you can add a few drops of olive oil. For oily skin - a few drops of lemon juice. For inflamed, acne-prone, add ½ teaspoon fenugreek powder. It's a spice. He copes with inflammation of the skin. Unfortunately, the mask is not stored, it must be used immediately.

- Potato mask.   One small potato a good wash, wipe dry and rub on a small grater, directly with the skin, you can add bran and a few drops of lemon juice. All! Apply on the face, covering the top with a paper towel so that the fluid does not spread. Twenty minutes later, wash with cool water. Mask refreshes, removes edema, fatigue. So simple and so useful, try it.

- Yeast mask . For this mask need real live yeast, as before, are now rarely on sale. But if you can buy them, be sure to try this mask. Brewer's yeast can be used, they are sold in pharmacies. A tablespoon of bran, yeast and a teaspoon teaspoon of honey (if you do not put honey, you can not) mix and warm up for five minutes in a hot water bath to a warm state. All can be applied. For 15-30 minutes. The mask is very useful. It affects deeper layers of skin, they activate the metabolism, relieves irritation and soothes.

Masks should not be abused. They can be applied, alternating one or two times a week, or rates, every other day, for two weeks. Then he should give the skin a rest, use only the cream. If you are not too lazy to brew herbal decoction and they will wash in the morning and in the evening - it will be fine. Stored broth in the refrigerator for two days. Brew the most common herbs: chamomile, lime blossom, nettle, burdock root and dandelion, St. John's wort grass and plantain. All that is available to you from this list, can be used for the preparation of cosmetic concoctions for washing.

Of course, good to have money to buy new cosmetic products and expensive visits to beauty salons. And if there are no means or opportunity? Such trifles never stopped women in the struggle for its appeal. I hope Grandma's secrets will help you feel more beautiful!
Author: Tamara Rozinsky