Carrier victory
 Is translated from the Latin word "Veronica" and so called one of the medicinal plants which, as we are assured folk traditions, is able to put on their feet, even hopeless patient.

According to one legend, a girl with the same name of the Roman emperor Tiberius cured of leprosy using grass, which gave the name of a grateful emperor who saved his girlfriend.

On the other hand, it owes its name to the grass girl who dearly loved her fiance. When he fell ill, the girl herself to save a loved one into a delicate blue-eyed grass flowers and handed her his power and love. So she healed the boy.

Veronica drug - Veronica officinalis   - Undersized perennial herbaceous plant of the family figwort. The name consists of two words: verus   - Real, genuine, and unicus   - The only one. Vernacular - lezhachka, luggage Okladnikov Dubrovka pharmacy.

Veronica long, thin, creeping root. The stem also creeping in the bottom, rooting, with raised shoots, height 15 to 45 cm. Leaves elongated egg-shaped, serrated edges.

 Carrier victory
   Flowers with short tube, mostly blue, but there are purple and pink, are collected in inflorescence - a brush. Blooms in June-August. Good honey plant.

Fruit pubescent box. The first fruits begin to ripen in July. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively Veronica.

Veronica grows throughout Europe, the European part of the former Soviet Union, Siberia,
Amur and Primorye, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea. Most often, in light forests, along roads, in meadows, pastures, near bodies of water.

Beneficial features
Grass veronica contains: vitamin C, carotene, essential oil, tannins, bitter, resin glycoside aukubin tannins. Since ancient times plants collected along with the flowers, used in folk medicine.

- Veronica has antimicrobial, analgesic, hemostatic, astringent, diuretic and sedative effect.

- Used it for colds for better expectoration, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, kidney disease, liver, abdominal pain, diarrhea, depression, insomnia.

- Externally wounds washed with infusions of Veronica, with bruises, boils, fungal skin lesions make lotions, acne and rashes while rubbing and baths.

- Baths are doing at the crack on the heels and sweating feet.

- Infusion for topical use:
2 tbsp. tablespoons dry raw sugar and 1 liter of boiling water, to insist 2 hours in a thermos, drain, cool.

In cosmetics
Veronica uses the cosmetic industry in lotions, creams for oily and problematic skin, shaving creams and foot care.

- Infusion for washing oily skin
1 teaspoon dry grass veronica, pour 1 cup boiling water, to insist 2 hours, drain. Wash in the morning and evening. It helps this agent as if acne and acne.

 Carrier victory
 - Mask for oily skin
2 tbsp. Veronica spoon broth mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and add as much crushed on a coffee grinder oat flakes, to get the creamy mass. Apply on face for 10 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

- From sunburn
A small glass jar of mayonnaise-type fill the crushed fresh leaves and flowers veronica, pour on top of vegetable oil, cork. To insist 1 week in a dark place. Grease burns and over-dried skin.

- Dandruff
Grind 100 grams. fresh leaves and flowers of speedwell, pour 100 ml of vodka, insist 2 weeks in the refrigerator, drain, add 50 ml of burdock oil. Rub into the scalp after each wash until the dandruff disappears.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva