Dandelions, children of the sun ...
 As we rejoice in the appearance of the spring on the lawns of bright yellow dandelions, immediately lifted the mood and we are happy smile - came the real spring.

One legend says that dandelions were children of the Sun and the Moon. Their job was to light in the sky every night lights, but they somehow overlooked the lazy. Angry moon and send down on them a strong wind that blew them to the ground. But the father-sun unreasonable withheld their children and gave them a semblance of small suns that light it on the ground as bright as the sun shines in the sky. Dandelions also still miss their parents and, turning into fluff, trying to get back to heaven with the help of the wind, which once brought them to the ground.

Common names of plant: Dandelion, milkweed, pustoduy Jewish cap, Russian chicory, tooth root, cotton grass.

Taraxacum officinale - Taraxacum officinale   - A perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family with a thick taproot. Straight stem, rather floral leafless, hollow inside arrow reaches 40-60cm. height. Bright green long pinnate leaves collected in a rosette at the base and tapered to petiole.

 Dandelions, children of the sun ...
   The golden-yellow flowers are collected in a reed basket. The inflorescence is surrounded by a double wrapper of green leaves, the inner wrapper leaves are turned up, and the outer bent down. Flowering dandelions in late April and throughout May. Sometimes re-bloom in the fall. The fruit - achene with a small tuft of white hairs thin ripen in June - August. The roots, stems and leaves of dandelion contain a white, bitter sap.

Dandelion grows practically everywhere - in the woods, meadows, along roads, in gardens, country houses, parks, and just any piece of land.

Dandelion leaves and inflorescences contain vitamins - A, B1, C, bitter glycosides, triterpene alcohols, sweeteners, gums, mineral salts - iron, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus ... roots contain many inulin, sugars, gums.

Healing properties
The generic name dandelion comes from the Greek tarasso What it means - to calm, it is connected with medicinal properties of dandelion root. As a drug used dandelion doctors of ancient Greece. In Germany, in the XVI century, it was used as a sedative and hypnotic. A dandelion in Russia called the "elixir of life".

 Dandelions, children of the sun ...
 Contraindications for the use of dandelion is not!

- Preparations of dandelion possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic, diuretic, sudorific, tonic properties.

- Dandelion is rich in antioxidants, which protect the body against the development of diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis and oncology.

- In many foreign countries, roots, leaves, flowers, dandelion eat. In Italy, the dishes he served in expensive restaurants.

- Juice of dandelion leaves smeared with calluses, warts, freckles, age spots.

- Those who drink coffee dandelion, long leather remains beautiful and young, calm nerves, and a cheerful character.

Dandelion in folk cosmetics
Dandelions are widely used for skin rejuvenation and healing the body as a whole.

- Decoction for washing
A handful of dandelion leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drain, wash morning and evening.

- The mask of the young dandelion leaves
6 leaves of dandelion Grind, grind, add 1 dessert spoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of sour cream, stir and put on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with a cotton swab dipped in warm water and milk mixture 1: 1 or in the tea leaves of green tea.

- Mask for oily skin
Take dandelion leaves 10, chop, add 1 teaspoon honey and 1 chicken protein, mix and apply for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water, wash cold.
If you have dry skin in the mask instead added the protein yolk.

- For irritable skin
10 crushed dandelion leaves, pour ½ cup of hot milk, to insist 10 minutes. Apply to the skin with a brush or put between layers of gauze to hold 10 minutes, wash with warm water, then cool.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva