Garnet is closely connected with the history of mankind, even in the holy book of the Torah, he mentioned not odinozhdy. And some historians tend to believe that the apple that Eve offered to Adam to eat, it was not at all an apple, and it is the fruit of the pomegranate tree. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that among the ancient Israelites and the Persians is the pomegranate tree has long been considered the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The Romans called the pomegranate -
malum granatum
, Which means "apple grainy" and gave him the name of the Phoenicians
malum punicum
Which means "the Punic (Phoenician) apple." Well, it's no wonder the ancient inhabitants of the East all round fruit called the apple, but the last century and today the botanical name of this fruit is a combination of two ancient names -
Puncia granatum
(Phoenician deposit), and we call the fruit of apples quite another tree.
But pomegranate is not only one of the oldest fruits he is also one of the most useful. For medical purposes is used in almost everything: from the rind of the fruit and ending with pomegranate branches. From the leaves brew a medicinal tea, fruit tasty and nutritious. Dried flowers Pomegranate brewed as a tea, the taste is not inferior tea from the flowers of hibiscus (Sudanese rose).
Bright pomegranate juice is rich in ascorbic acid and other fruit acids, sugars and tannins. The bark of a ripe pomegranate contains alkaloids that have a strong anthelminthic action. It did not ignore grenades and cosmetology. Cosmetics based on pomegranate contains active ingredients, intensely nourishes the skin, giving it elasticity and softness.

Fruit royal in appearance and taste
Pomegranate tree without reason called royal, its refined form scarlet flowers and leathery glossy dark green leaves are extremely beautiful. I'm not talking about the fruit, as it were, along the mantle noble restrained colors, from cream with raspberry crimson to purple, and even topped the characteristic royal crown. Quite possibly, it was a pomegranate, with its rim on the top suggested people form the royal headdress.
Taste Pomegranate, Fine sweet and sour, acts not only refreshing, but also stimulates the appetite, helps better digestion, so drinking pomegranate juice before a meal is useful. But Garnet good and after eating, it is close to the calorie content of strawberries, grapefruit, cherries, - approximately 30 - 40 kcal, so that the excess centimeters at the waist, he did not add.
Precious nitty gritty
In each pomegranate contains about a thousand bright ruby grains containing seeds and filled with tasty and healthful juice. These seeds look like a scattering of precious stones, and not surprisingly, transparent red stones almandine and pyrope, very similar in appearance to the seeds of the "Phoenician apple" were called - grenades.
The pomegranate has almost everything you need to complete the work of the body - 15 amino acids, 6 of which are contained in addition to pomegranate only in meat and are indispensable for the human body, vitamins - group B, PP, C and provitamin A (carotene). Extremely high content of pomegranate juice folate, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), as is well known, these chemicals are actively involved in the processes of metabolism and protein synthesis in the body, have a normalizing effect on the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Pomegranate fruits - one of the few desserts that are not only allowed, but also useful for diabetics.

It features high-grenades and a variety of mineral composition - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, and others. Therefore, doctors recommend using it in clinical nutrition hypertensive disease, circulatory failure, anemia. Pomegranate juice is useful to all who work with radioactive isotopes, or live in an area of high radiation.
Due to the presence of pectin and tannins (tannins) Pomegranate juice is useful in a variety of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. Juice has a pinning effect in disorders of the intestine.
Pomegranate juice may improve sexual human performance, and helps to prevent cancer, it is helpful in the fight against age-related changes of the body. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) believe that pomegranate juice reduces blood levels of free fatty acids (FFA), which are often the cause of excess fat deposits in the abdomen in men and women. Scientists conducted an experiment on 24 men and women, who for month drank 500 ml of pomegranate juice daily. Results of the study is very encouraging, half of the volunteers after the course juicing partially rid of addiction to the capacity of fat in the waist and visibly postroynela. In addition, almost all of the subjects significantly decreased blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attacks, stroke, kidney disease.
The only contraindication - peptic ulcer. Do not get involved in it and drink with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice!
Molodyaschee "apple" of ancient peoples in modern cosmetics
Garnet has long been widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The healing properties of ruby grains are celebrated since the times of ancient Indian manuscripts and Greek writings. Pomegranate ointments and baths to eliminate age spots, freckles, acne, whitening skin, hair growth is actively used in ancient cosmetology and applied in our day.
Perfect pomegranate juice for the care of every skin type. It can be used as lotions, masks. For example:
Whitening Mask "Pomegranate with sour cream"
Mix for 1 hour. L. pomegranate juice with 1 ch. l. sour cream. Apply the mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Not only pomegranate juice used in modern cosmetics from pomegranate seed extract miraculous oil with a powerful anti-aging effect.
Of course, to extract the oil from the seed is not so simple, but quite capable of such pharmaceutical companies as German
Dr. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH
. It is here that is born cosmetics
. Among the cosmetic series of this brand is and the series
- This is a new cosmetic line with garnet. Cosmetics Series
And that day and night creams for the face, hand cream, skin cream around the eyes, firming body cream and other products, - contribute to an effective fight against the formation of wrinkles, nourish, moisturize and regenerate the skin. What is very important for the followers of natural cosmetics - in the formulation of products no synthetic fragrances and dyes, mineral oils and hormone contaminants. Most of the funds other than the actual extract and pomegranate oil, contain natural essential ones (essential) and vegetable oils - olive, shea butter, jojoba oil, sunflower oil.

The composition is optimal for all skin types, but the greatest benefit it will bring dry and sensitive areas, restoring their natural moisture. Regular use of products Series
It makes the skin fresh, soft and pleasant, - in any case, the manufacturer is promising!
A passionate advocate of cosmetics with a pomegranate and a US dermatologist Dr.
Howard Murad
, Creator of the eponymous cosmetics line
Murad (Murad)
. Series
containing an extract of pomegranate ideal for combination skin. Cosmetics of this series effectively balances the oily and dry areas, making the skin supple and taut, strengthens and protects it from harmful environmental exposures.

Due to its healing properties, and ease of use grenades and especially pomegranate juice is widely used in cosmetics homemade recipes.
Toning Mask
Ingredients: 1 tbsp. Spoon pomegranate juice, 0, 5 teaspoons of olive oil, 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, 3 tablespoons. tablespoons of oatmeal. Brew with boiling water and cereal ostuzhivaem. Mix the flakes with the remaining ingredients. The resulting mask is applied to the face and neck for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. It is perfectly refreshes the skin and gives it a tone.
In the home cosmetics used not only pomegranate juice and pulp, but other parts of this wonderful plant. For example, for oily, problem skin with acne is useful to mask lightly toasted, crushed pomegranate peel with butter or olive oil. Powder from dried peel can effectively treat burns, cracks and scratches. Packs of pomegranate flowers are used for resorption of inflammatory infiltrates.

Anti-inflammatory facial steam bath
Mix equal parts of: chopped peel a pomegranate, chamomile flowers pharmacy and geranium leaves. A teaspoon of the mixture pour two liters of water, bring to a boil. Remove from the heat the vessel with the solution, gently leans over him head (face pre-cleared), not less than 20-25 cm above the surface of the solution. We are covering a large towel and 15 minutes, subjecting the skin healing effects of steam. Wash your face with cold water.
Making steam bath is not more than 1 time per week.
Pomegranate Body Scrub
We need 2-3stolovyh tablespoons fresh pomegranate seeds, 3 tablespoons. l. sugar, 1 hr. l. olive oil. In a bowl mix a small pomegranate seeds with a spoon of sugar and mash with a wooden spoon until smooth. Add the olive oil, 2 tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly.
During the shower, we put the scrub in a circular motion on the body, beginning with the feet and up. The crushed pomegranate seeds mixed with butter and sugar, soften and exfoliate rough skin, and pomegranate juice with a natural acid accelerates cell renewal.
Garnet hair lotion, eliminates the increased greasiness
Juice from one pomegranate, a glass of vodka, juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of carrot juice - everything is mixed well. Insist 10 days in a dark place.
Before washing hair lotion carefully handle the scalp for 20 minutes utёplyaem head, and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse with acidified water.