All of us are prone to error. Even such seemingly known since childhood facts about beauty, as hair trimming their growth, periodic failure of the nail polish recreation and so on., Can be just outdated myths. Are we so wrong? But as they say: if you want to - believe it and want - no.
Myth 1. Regular trimming the ends stimulates rapid growth

Hair grows from the roots. Mowing tips of the hair does not affect the rate of growth. According to the hairdresser and consultant Pantene Pro-V and Clairol Denis Binet, trimming the hair eliminates only on split ends and strengthens the hair structure.
Myth 2. For delicate and careful washing of hair there is nothing better than baby shampoo

Virtually all children detergents are neutral pH with soft, surfactants, do not cause irritation and itching of the scalp and eyes. These shampoos do not dry the skin and rinsed off well. But their cleansing properties for the hair of an adult is not very effective. To get rid of dirt and excessive fat on long, thick hair with them is difficult because they are designed for delicate hairs kids, emit much less blubber than adult hair. Besides baby shampoos not able to fight fungal and bacterial challenges. Therefore, the soft washing is better to find a "childish" means special softener and neutral acidity.
Myth 3. Use the cream for wrinkles in his youth accelerates skin aging

Skin aging may be the result of both internal factors (age, disease, genetics) and external (the influence of ultraviolet radiation, pollution, stress). The cream does not cause skin aging and in particular wrinkles. One of the advisers of the department of research and development company Estee Lauder, Daniel Mays advises start "cream" the procedure after 35 or 40 years, because in this period the skin is more prone to wrinkles and sagging. But especially the skin at all different. Some people may need anti-aging cosmetics and 20-25.
Myth 4. It is important to give your nails a rest, otherwise they will not breathe and they turn yellow

Unlike the skin, nails - is, in effect, dead cells of the body and composed of keratin protein. They do not have any respiratory tract, and they do not need to breathe. Thus, the varnish can be used continuously without worrying about health and beauty nails. However, on the recommendation of the famous Hollywood Carla Leigh manicurists, nail polish before applying the basic need to use a transparent substrate. Otherwise, under the influence of coloring substances in colored lacquer nails quickly lose their healthy appearance and will turn yellow.
Myth 5. Anti-cellulite cream does not provide any real help in the fight against cellulite

Even after the gain, prolonged exercise and a healthy, balanced diet cellulite can stay. French endocrinologist Marie Zartaryan dealing with "orange peel" for 15 years, explains that the female subcutaneous fat is stored vertically, "infecting" the skin cellulite thighs and buttocks. Of course, passive therapy based only on the use of creams, good results can not lead. For the most effective control must be a comprehensive solution: maintaining a healthy lifestyle, diet and the use of anti-cellulite creams with caffeine.
Myth 6. The foundation applied to the face, does not give the skin to breathe

In combination with the day cream and means of UV base provides additional protection to the epidermis by various external factors: wind, cold, moisture, sun and pollution. According to the famous Parisian cosmetologist Helene Leblond, the foundation gives a lot more than just a disguise of spots and skin roughness. The ease of modern pharmaceutical composition for the face allows the basis of almost blend in with the skin, without the effect of a thick crust. Therefore, there is good reasons to be afraid to use the base, but on the condition that you choose hypoallergenic means non-comedogenic.
Myth 7. It is necessary to regularly change shampoo, or hair can get used to one facility, which reduces its effectiveness

Modern shampoo compositions are soft, sparing a metered content of detergents. It is unlikely that they can unnecessarily saturate hair and lose their effectiveness. In addition, the cells of the scalp and hair, as well as all the other cells of the human body, are regularly updated. So get used to any means they simply do not have time. If shampoo suited to your hair and do not irritate the scalp, you can not change it. An exception may be the case that after coloring, perms or any other reason, seriously damaged hair, thinned and began to fall. Then you need to find new means to healing and regenerating effect.
Myth 8. If pull out gray hair, then in its place will soon be a gray-haired beam

White hair appear because the melanin responsible for hair coloring, stops working. Technical director of the cosmetics company L'Oréal Nicole Dupuis argues that, in most cases, this happens because of genetic inheritance, paternal depends on the speed of bloom throughout the head. A torn silver hair can stimulate the rapid graying. But its appearance indicates the beginning of a natural process of hair depigmentation. Do not panic, but rather to keep everything under control!