"You do not get a second chance to make a first impression! "- That seems to say the great Coco? And what you need to make an impression at the interview? The aim should be to show its own competence, accuracy and attention to detail. All of this can be transmitted through their appearance. And the rest of you will know from the summary of the employer.
Another point - need confidence. At least in his own appearance. Then you can focus the conversation on their professional qualities.
We offer a simple guide to create a new image for the interview. Let's start with the hair.
Hairstyle. Motto: Simplicity
- Wash and dry your hair the day before the interview, late in the evening. This will save time in the morning, and deliver us from surprises such as a broken hair dryer.
- If your hair is long, remove them to the tail. So you will not constantly pull at her hair - girls often do it with excitement.

- Even if you never use styling products, this day hairspray you will need. You must be sure that not a single hair or a strand naughty will not make you worry.
- Do not wear hats. However, if required by the weather, the arrival at the interview, remove the hat or scarf. Do not forget to look in the mirror to check whether the cap has left traces in the hair.
- Do not wear flashy hair accessories!
- Try to make sure that the hair does not shut your face. Long bangs, sink to the eyelashes - look sexy and are more suited to travelers than the image of a professional. If you are accustomed to long bangs, then the interview it should be removed from the face - it is best to stab modest barrette. And this is true even for a short hairstyle.

Makeup. Motto: Less is more
- Despite the minimalist approach to meykapu in the day, the time it may need more. Therefore, to do everything in a hurry, take on the make-up for 10 minutes longer than usual. For example, if your daily make-up takes just 5 minutes before the interview, spend about 15 minutes on a sudden something will have to redo?
- Foundation required if there are big problems with the skin, uneven tone and blemishes. And so - better to miss a heavy foundation. Let the skin glows. It's enough to use concealer and powder.
- The night before the interview to be engaged lips. You will have much to say in the interview, the lips will attract the attention of the interlocutor, and chapped or dry lips, "play" against you. So rub your lips warm and moist washcloth, and then generously apply a lip balm overnight.
- In an interview, apply lipstick on her lips only. But do not shine! Lip Gloss gives too much sheen and makes the image of youthful and sexy, and it's not a very good choice for such an occasion as hiring. The color of lipstick - not bright, almost natural, with only a hint of color. For example, such as the Dolce Vita shade from Nars, it is almost all the makeup artists recognized as universal to all skin tones.

- Use a shade of neutral colors, such as brown, beige, gray and brown. A small glimmer - it's good, but avoid too sparkling versions.

- Eyes move a pencil, cover the lashes mascara. If you can apply liquid liner like a pro, it will also be appropriate.
- Well-groomed eyebrows will create a good impression of you. It is not necessary to pull them too. It is enough to get rid of hairs outlier. If there is a gel for eyebrows - use it to his eyebrows were stacked in the right direction. If a special gel eyebrows not, you can use hair gel: just dilute it with water and apply on eyebrows.
- Blush give the face a healthy color and cheerful look. Better to stay at the blush pink hue, rather than powder bronzer, they look more natural with artificial office lighting.
- Perfume better to miss. You do not know the preferences of the interviewer!
Manicure. Motto: Add zest
- If the nails are smooth, if there are no burrs, wounds - apply nail polish. The stylish shade will talk about you as a person with imagination and taste.
- A neutral color - the most reliable, but it looks a bit boring. Beige suit and nude girls bright. And if you are modest in communicating, talking quietly and more to remain silent, the "Paint" your image brighter hue.
- Win-win situation - a classic red. It is suitable for any form of nails and any skin tone. But be careful: for a conservative company such nails may not be appropriate, but in an advertising agency or marketing company - relevant.
- Some people mistakenly think that the classic French manicure - the best solution. Now the idea of manicure changed somewhat. Many believe jacket is not fashionable, and even commonplace. It is better to do so-called "new French manicure", this jacket in different colors.

- Do not get involved in nail design. You can make emphasis (highlight the texture or color of the nail 1-2), moon manicure or colored piping around the edge. A better simply to restrict a fresh coat of paint and a protective clear lacquer on top, to be confident in the durability of coating.
Lastly, smile!