Stop a moment
 While we are always moving forward (but in our journey especially cosmetic and continuing) is not resting on its laurels and strive for more and better, some things in life you want to keep, commit, and, just for a second, but to persuade the clock to slow its course.

My grandmother, who worked as a beautician at the Institute of Beauty more when I'm not that cosmetic - life's journey has not yet begun, said that thinking about wrinkles should be in 25 years, once a week using a wrinkle cream.

In those days, when I was not yet 25, I not only thought about wrinkles, I believe that I have them never will be. In the days of today, when I'm not 25, I confess, I have about wrinkles and even more so do not think - once. Cases of care, chores, work - one thing after another makes knit his brow and prim lips. Friends, meetings, visits, talks after midnight, laughter daughter - and I smile, talk, laugh out loud about some wrinkles can be a speech?

Some time ago a friend of mine, with whom I spent a lot of merry days, as well as sleepless nights with textbooks, preparing for the exam session, secretly told me that she was doing Botox injections. Selectively, in the corners of the eyes and below the lower eyelid. Seeing my horror and amazement, she nodded her head affirmatively.

"Yes, my friend, the time comes, and every day as a day, but appears on our faces, - she said conspiratorially, gently raised his eyebrows - and, by the way, your partying - that assistant."

I thought then, and for a long time considered her face in a magnifying mirror. Yes, of course, fine wrinkles around the eyes - but I did a lot of laughing and schuryus the sun; forehead - and that forehead? All my life I made comments demanding his frown. And it is a habit - wonder whether you angry - a habit. Outlines the crease in the nasolabial triangle - our family trait, it all was, and her lips then, later, slightly adjust downward ...

And in the evening a hard day, foundation, powder and mixed with flavored fatigue treacherously hidden in the folds of it. The artificial light is very good, by the way, is noticeable.

I was almost sad to admit. But the gloom - not only sin, so also can significantly worsen the situation. Throwing back the sadness and grief, I went in search of a tool that can not turn back the clock, no - a little slow and put something that will. While fear of a doctor in a white dressing gown with a small syringe and a needle thin still stirs my enthusiasm, we must act quickly and competently. It Said - done, and that I myself am holding a syringe.

No, what I mean - in the palm of my hand firmly clamped in a beautiful tube syringe with a wonderful tool inside. Why a syringe? Because that will enable this form of locally applied drug, and, as precisely and accurately.

 Stop a moment

And it's called DEEP WRINKLE FILLER   from RoC . This miracle cream or, more precisely, filling wrinkles instant action Of course, it does not make flying around the room, like Margaret, but with regular use can reduce the depth of wrinkles by 30%, due to the fragmented hyaluronic acid molecules which fill the space of moisture in the epidermis and cause wrinkles "straighten up." In addition, the polymer base cream comprising reflective particles of powder are aligned and visually camouflage skin wrinkles. The cream helps to smooth wrinkles in adulthood and prevents their appearance at younger ages.

The tool has a fairly dense, thick consistency like toothpaste, but is distributed over the skin easily, probably due to applicator - disappears in seconds, which, yes, I am non-stop accounting. It absolutely does not smell - it has no dyes and perfumes, and even a little strange that the cream is not how it smells - but it is a fact.

It is applied with a view to deep wrinkles - on the area that needs it - the forehead, nasolabial triangle, and around the eyes.

 Stop a moment

The tool can be applied several times a day, even on the make-up - I admit, I have not decided on this experiment, limited to a single, morning time. By the way, a means to make up lies more smoothly - due to the homogeneity of mass and fill in wrinkles, applying foundation was extremely easy.

I began increasingly to look at myself in the mirror, trying to notice changes in their form. Unfortunately, I have to take care of juveniles were not, but what surprised me - my slightly noticeable already, wrinkles under the eyes, as it were, become thinner and sleeker - that is, I won? No, I did not win, and did not turn back time - and managed to stop a moment and now you can laugh, ogle and knit his brow, as I want, enjoying every day and every emotion. And do not think about the wrinkles - let them think my agent.
Author: Sincerely yours, Marina K.