Everyone has long known that fruits and vegetables - a real storehouse of vitamins. Vegetables we eat almost the whole year - canning for the winter, keep in its natural form, freeze, making salads and juices, soups.
On vegetables
In vegetables contain not only vitamins and amino acids which the human body are converted into proteins. The latter can be ingested and in meat products. Only in the latter case, there is the opposite effect: the animal protein in the body is cleaved at amino acids, and then converted into human protein - protein. As a result, it complicated the work of all bodies loaded liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc. It turns out that this vegetable proteins are easily digested and are beneficial to the body. It is easy to note that vegetarians are much less sick and never obese, they have not formed cellulite. The secret is that with the help of vegetables the body can absorb only what he needs, and thus works well without a glitch.
The daily rate of consumption of vegetables (excluding potatoes) for an adult is 400 g, regardless of the season. The diet must be present in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, it is always there. When heat treated vegetables are lost nutrients. Therefore, vegetables should be cooked in a minimum amount of boiling water, preferably in the skin. Every dish is cooked can vary by adding to it three times more vegetables.
Especially valuable vegetable juices - they are digested within 15 minutes after administration. At day one can use no more than 15 g, the food, with an interval of 3 hours. It is advisable not to sweeten. Two leading juice among the vegetables - a potato and carrot. At least once in the life of each person uses them.

In many countries, potato is almost second bread, people can not imagine their existence without it. Potato juice helps to normalize the metabolism, cleanses the body, normalize digestion, treats neurological disorders (such as sciatica, goiter), reduces the acidity of the stomach, intestines, so it is recommended in gastritis and colitis. You can use 100 ml of juice daily on an empty stomach.
Baked potatoes consumed in heart failure, as it is rich in magnesium and potassium salts, which are beneficial to the heart. And if there are baked with the skin, the problems that high blood pressure can be forgotten.
Boiled "in uniform" mash, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2-3 drops of iodine, stir, spread on a cloth and apply to the chest near the throat, wrapped up for the night, as a compress. It helps with bronchitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. And with a cold and a cold breath steaming boiled potatoes in their skins.

Carrot juice is useful in dermatitis, conjunctivitis, gastro-intestinal diseases. It can drink up to 3 liters per day, but only some time - intermittently. Recommend to nursing mothers for the addition of milk. And he has this healer for gastric cancer and also increases immunity, improves pancreas, strengthens the nervous system and tones the body. But excessive use of carrot juice causes yellowing of the skin on the hands.
This vegetable contains many useful trace elements, mainly Vitamin A, the content of which improves the condition of the skin, eyes and even the musculoskeletal system, improves the blood and heart activity. Diseases such as dry skin, dermatitis, conjunctivitis just arise from a lack of vitamin A. Carrots also contain vitamins B, C, D, E.

Autumn and winter food for health
It turns out that vegetables can be cooked such food, which will help to maintain health. Here is a list of several recipes:
1. Sour cabbage rose.
100 g of sauerkraut mixed with 2 tablespoons of beet juice. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and a third of the bulb. It turns out that's a cabbage salad.
Sour cabbage
useful in diabetes.
Beet juice
increases hemoglobin and generally treats almost any blood disease. You can use a maximum of 0, 5 liters per day, and it is desirable to mix with carrot juice, beetroot as produces a strong cleansing effect. At its misuse can cause diarrhea, dizziness and nausea.
2. Salad with sauerkraut and apples.
Mix 100 grams of sauerkraut with apple half, season with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, add a little onion.
Some fruits and vegetables very well together, including
an Apple
. Helps with vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity, anemia, gout, chronic rheumatism. Next healthy dish of apples, too.
3. To improve the functioning of the brain.
Mix 100-150 g grated apples with orange juice and 15 walnuts (or any other). If no nuts, orange juice, apple can be mixed by another recipe. Add to them a few spoonfuls of whipped cream, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and honey.
Lemon juice
recommended in atherosclerosis, reduced acidity in the stomach.
eliminates fatigue, dizziness, relieves headaches, improves mood, improves blood.
They are a means of multivitamin. Surprisingly, even their appearance is very similar to the human brain! Walnuts help to improve brain blood circulation, strengthen the heart, struggling with diarrhea.
4. Cucumber Salad.
Take two identical cucumber, remove seeds. Add the parsley, onion, celery greens (all taken to taste) and 30 peanut or pine nuts.
has a diuretic effect, it improves hair growth, strengthens muscles and blood vessels. It contains a lot of potassium carbonate (thereby normalizes blood pressure), calcium and phosphorus. Also prevents atherosclerosis, improves memory.