Aromatherapy in the service of women's beauty
 In winter it is sometimes very difficult to keep yourself in shape. Blame - predominantly sedentary lifestyle and a certain stress associated with the change of weather and related life changes. Waiting out this time mostly at home, we are in the majority of cases (if the face it) begin to look in the fridge. It was only with the onset of thaw, or the approach of summer think about the figure.

Always be slim and beautiful will help such a wonderful psychological method as Aromatherapy .

The essence of this method lies in the fact that the different flavors in some way affect the body and the human psyche, causing or, conversely, repaying some feelings and emotions.

The history of aromatherapy as a preventive and curative method of influence on the body begins in antiquity, at a time when you do not know potions, pills, health, and other diets, and so on. D., And effects on the body in order to treat or strengthen the immune system was to use special selected herbs and preparations of animal origin.

Aromatherapy is now one of the best methods of alternative medicine, as well as the art of using aromaveschestv to achieve certain goals.

 Aromatherapy in the service of women's beauty
   There are many ways home aromatherapy, including with the use of fragrances that can "trick" the body and dampen the feeling of hunger.

The most popular method, designed for a relatively long time, is to use Aroma aromasvech. The advantages are obvious - your home will be for a sufficiently long period of time filled with a favorite scent that distract from the sad thoughts (if necessary) and, importantly, by thinking about food. It is important that other family members have approved this form of aromatherapy.

 Aromatherapy in the service of women's beauty
 But no less pleasing, and other means of influence on the body with the help of scents - aroma massage, aroma bath acceptance, aromaraschёsyvanie. Such methods have a bracing effect and perfectly relieve stress and help you cope with the winter blues and feel great all year round. Besides, it is not in vain in the winter increased demand for aromatic shower gels, bubble baths and other similar means. After all, buying accessories such, we subconsciously seek to compensate for the lack of summer heat, soak in a hot tub filled with pleasant perfume.

 Aromatherapy in the service of women's beauty
 Also in the prophylactic and therapeutic purposes it is recommended to use aromaingalyatsy (they are useful, for example, to eliminate the diseases of the respiratory system and may serve to achieve the cherished goal - weight loss).

The theory that certain scents reduce appetite pushed Chicago doctor, founder of the Foundation for the Study of Disorders of taste and scent Alan Hirsch. Himself Alan explained his discovery in this way: some flavors which are removed scents receptors fall into the brain, which processes signals from the receptors of the body and gives a signal to the body to eat less. Because, as we know from school biology lessons, all the organ systems are closely interrelated, the digestive system reacts to signals from the brain decrease the need for food.

What scents can actually reduce feelings of hunger and therefore help not gain weight, it is proved experimentally. So what the flavors should surround yourself with at this time? The best options, as shown by research scientist said: apple, mint, lavender, rose, grapefruit, fennel and vanilla.

 Aromatherapy in the service of women's beauty
 But we should not forget about the complex effects of odors and about the individual susceptibility of the organism. The fact is that the essential oils and other substances used in aromatherapy, affect the body as a whole, including the psycho-emotional sphere, so can trigger mood swings, decline or, on the contrary, the rise of forces that add energy or cause fatigue, awaken forgotten feelings. Therefore, psychologists recommend to choose a fragrance that is like the most appropriate. And to make the right choices, just see how the body reacts to a particular odor control your mental state. Most likely, the flavor that you will find the best, will be most useful to you (in terms of increasing the body's resistance to disease and control hunger).
Author: Alla Pilipenko