Remember women's health
 There comes a time to autumn melancholy and cold dreary evenings. Ways to entertain yourself in this dreary time, there are many, the main thing - the right to monitor their health. Vitamins, indulging himself gifts of fruit and tea with honey, regular exercise - all of this will undoubtedly help to stay in shape. But do not forget that great for us women, is especially important! I'm talking about this, women's health, which is particularly fragile crystal bowl weakened in spring and autumn. Therefore, I will talk about some useful recipes for its conservation.

It has long been an assistant in women's affairs was considered ortiliya sided . Distributed it is mainly in the strip middle and southern taiga - in Hylocomium, grass-Hylocomium conifers as well as deciduous and mixed forests, sometimes on forest meadows with shrubs and woodlands. It occurs mainly in humid areas, areas of Siberia and the Far East.

Valuable ortiliya sided in that it contains a very useful component of our health - tannin, arbutin, hydroquinone, flavonoids, resins, coumarins. Long since the plant is used as a treatment for gynecological inflammatory diseases. It is used in infertility, bleeding, with immaturity, cervical erosion, in violation of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy toxicosis and fibroids with abundant bleeding. She is one of the most effective tools in the menstrual cycle. Normalization occurs within a few days.

 Remember women's health
   Effective ortiliya and inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder, cystitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the prostate gland, hemorrhoids, acute inflammation of the ear.

How to prepare a decoction   is quite simple: 10 g of grass (you can buy at any pharmacy), pour 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day for an hour before meals for 3-4 weeks.

Is a unique gift to women sage   - The sacred grass of the ancient Romans, has long been used in cooking and medicine. As our ancestors considered a magical plant sage with which it was possible to bewitch her lover.

 Remember women's health
   Inflorescence and sage leaves contain essential oil (0, 3-0, 5%) which contains linalool, acetic acid, aromatic resins, formic acid, poniny, flavonoids, tannins. The seeds contain up to 20% protein, 30% fat oil dries quickly. Sage and valuable in that it contains coumarin and phytohormones, particularly useful for women after 30 years.

It is a sage grass youth. Rejuvenation Course   - Three times a year for a month on a regular basis in the morning to drink a glass of infusion of sage 1 tsp sage per cup of boiling water. Insist to cool. Drink slowly for 30-40 minutes. before meals.

It helps the infusion of seeds and sage in the treatment of infertility, as well as contributes to fertility by affecting the cervical reflexes.

So how does this list forget "means forty diseases." Of course, I'm talking about daisy , Is sufficiently widespread effect on the entire female reproductive organs and not only.

 Remember women's health
   We have this flower is known as a common weed. It is quite undemanding and grows almost anywhere. Despite its unpretentious geography, chamomile is an indispensable remedy for flatulence, abdominal pain, cramps, stomach cramps; In addition, sage great help during the arrest of menstruation, pain in the uterus.

The main raw material drug plants are flowers. Dry placers must be brewed in 1, 5 cups of water, then infuse for 25 minutes. And taken orally 20 minutes before a meal, the rate - about 2 weeks. When inflammation of the appendages or hemorrhoids from this decoction should be done inside douching and enemas.

When inflammation of the ovaries and infertility must be mixed with 50 grams of leaves mother and stepmother, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, marigold flowers and herbs centaury. Brew at 0, 5 liters of boiling water 2 tablespoons mixture and insist 2 hours in a water bath. Take 1/3 cup 6 times a day before meals and between meals for 1-1, 5 months (abstinence from sexual activity during treatment).

I hope these tips will find its place in your piggy bank and help with ailments autumn.
Do not get sick, dear women!
Author: Valentina Syrenkova