There is no bad weather, or how to deal with meteonevrozom
 Late autumn - a period rather sad. The world in gray and black tones, when the window drizzles drizzling rain, the sky is dark and heavy, and the wind driven on wet asphalt brown withered leaves - all this does not cause much enthusiasm, come to mind sad thoughts, reduced working capacity, there is apathy. And right would only be the mood, and that in fact many and heart begins to ache and pressure jumps, headache, suddenly begin discomfort in the joints. Usually in such cases we say meteozavisimost or meteosensitivity.

Meteodependent   - Not a new phenomenon, it turns out, he studied in ancient Greece famous doctor Hippocrates. He regularly conducted meteorological observations and first noted the link between the weather and the aggravation of various ailments.

Many famous people - Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon, Columbus, Byron - suffered meteodependent. But the classic of German literature, Goethe, noting that at high barometer it is easier to work than at low readings, the observations outlined in the work "The experience of studying the weather."

If you are affected by the weather, you are not alone, meteodependent people in the adult population of about 35%, and a weather-sensitive even more - up to 70%. What explains this influence of weather conditions on our state? Contemporary multiple hypotheses.

According to one of them, on the wall of the carotid artery are peculiar sensors catching weather changes. If the pressure in the vessels suddenly drops, the sensor "triggered." The signals to the brain, there is a response command, and it saves the body from disorders of the cardiovascular activity. The only bad thing, if this deteriorating health.

According to another version, the fluctuation of atmospheric pressure acting on the cell membrane, and thereby activated, some metabolic products. All this causes a person discomfort.

We absolutely healthy organism is usually well adapted to fluctuations in the main meteorological factors, and therefore they should not have a noticeable effect on the health and mood. Fluctuations in weather can be seen even as a kind of natural training, which has beneficial effects on livelihoods. But it is absolutely healthy people are now hard to find, and that react badly to the weather, those who have certain problems with health.

People with high or low blood pressure and angina pectoris, a lot of trouble can deliver low air pressure and a drizzling rain. Always anticipating changes in the weather rheumatic patients. Gusty wind can trigger anxiety attacks and sleep disturbances in people with psycho disorders.

All of the nerves

 There is no bad weather, or how to deal with meteonevrozom
   Well, if you are practically healthy, young and no chronic diseases there, but would still feel as if the weather drops performance, just dropped his hands and did not want to do a bad mood - maybe you meteonevrotik . It's hard to say why there meteonevroz, each person has their own reason. For many, this problem occurs in childhood, such as if a child often gets cold in bad weather, even in adulthood from the rainy inclement weather on a subconscious level will have to wait only trouble. Or maybe you often because of bad weather to abandon any plans of actions, which have been waiting for? What is not a reason for the emergence of neurosis?

With the advent of autumn, many people associate the end of the holidays, bright saturated solar time. In addition, the need for a certain amount of sunlight and heat lies within each of us genetically. Short day, no sunlight can also cause neurosis. Particularly susceptible depending on the weather conditions people are emotional, creative warehouse. Women are particularly thin, sensitive and impressionable nature, is much more likely to suffer from meteosensitivity, it affects the distinction of male and female hormonal status.

The internal barometer

In principle, there is nothing surprising and mysterious in our ability to feel the weather changes at the domestic level. After all, people - part of nature, and many animals feel changing weather conditions long before they occur. Hide and cover their holes before the rain ants, cats curl into a ball before cooling, leave dangerous places animals before approaching tsunami. Meteosensitive have absolutely all living creatures, only to suffer from the rain outside the window, storms and the cold snap does not want to!

By the way, although it is widely believed that meteosensitivity exposed mostly elderly, recent surveys of the population in Russia have shown that poor health when exposed to changing weather conditions just respondents in young and middle age, and mostly women.

We are struggling with meteodepressiey

If you notice signs at meteonevroza, but do not want to your mood and well-being depended on the whims of nature, try to simply return money.

All corny easy - a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, physical activity, restful sleep. We must use every opportunity to spend more time in the open rest and commune with nature. Can play a significant role hardening and complete cessation of smoking. It is no secret that meteosensitivity more common in men, there is little to be outdoors, sedentary employment, mental labor are not engaged in physical activity. Perhaps, if the case is heavy, you will need to conduct psycho events, visiting special trainings.

There medications For example, the drug fared well "Antifront" containing extracts of the leaves of the Paraguayan mate tea, ginger root, turmeric root, lemon balm leaves and liquorice. All of these components are excellent adaptogens.

It helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms of drinking syrup from the berries elderberry : Say enough in the morning to drink a spoonful of this natural medicine to a whole day to feel the weather change.

 There is no bad weather, or how to deal with meteonevrozom
   Another effective adaptogen - Chinese magnolia vine , Tincture or tea from it helps to successfully and painlessly adapt to adverse weather conditions.

And very useful contrast water treatment   like training for the vessels. One minute under a warm shower, and then 5 seconds under a cool shower, and so a few times. Such souls to perform daily morning and evening.

 There is no bad weather, or how to deal with meteonevrozom
   Replace the black tea or green tea Paraguayan mate . This wonderful drink contains a substance mateine. Unlike caffeine matein not cause insomnia and palpitations, does not increase blood pressure, reduce the severity of vasomotor headache origin as well as general stimulator relieves fatigue, improves concentration. In addition, mate tea regulates the level of adrenaline in the blood, improves memory, reduces nervous agitation, has antispasmodic action, normalizes blood circulation. Mate contains vitamin A, C, E, P, and B vitamins, very rich in trace elements.

Reports from weather fronts

There is no consensus whether people suffering meteodependent, closely follow the calendar adverse geophysical parameters on days and hours to scrutinize reports and weather forecasts.
On the one hand, there is the truth: forewarned - is forearmed. If you have any chronic diseases, escalating in adverse weather conditions, knowing about them in advance, you can take precautions and avoid trouble.

On the other hand, very impressionable nature, knowing about the impending bad weather, do pre-configure itself to the fact that they have certainly something hurts, and, of course, they have everything goes wrong, and the deteriorating state of health. Studies in America have shown that, indeed, if the population of heavy days is not notified, they pass much more quickly, and the overall picture of medical consultations due to changes in the weather does not change significantly.

Of course, from a purely practical point of view, it is important to know the weather forecast for at least the fact that to take, if necessary, an umbrella going to work, but to put at the mercy of that forecast his mood and feeling are not worth it.

Rain, wind, puddles, mud ... try to relate to the vagaries of nature and philosophical, and enjoy each new day!
Author: Olga Travleeva