Anti-age products on the market set. But in what age the skin needs? Rather, we need a mix consisting of injection, dietary supplements and creams. What should I look for when choosing them?
We need collagen!
One of the first signs of aging - sagging skin (under the eyes, on the chin, neck). Can I return the elasticity? This question can only be answered with another question: What can you restore collagen? Indeed, the flexibility and elasticity of the skin depends on the amount of collagen in it. Luxury anti-age creams promise the restoration of collagen bonds in the skin cells, but in fact we see that the activation process is not such a long and effective, and some women, and do recognize that from creams few shifts toward rejuvenation.
With age, the collagen in the skin is less. Creams are superficial. You can try supplements with collagen. It is proved that if collagen may consume several grams per day, it may increase the levels of collagen in skin.

Another way to increase their holdings of collagen can be a micro-injection.
There is another way, which for some reason has not yet found application in the cabin technologies. More in 2009, a study was published to prove that the effect on the skin with vitamin C in combination with iontophoresis allows the skin to restore the collagen bonds. That is, topically to skin to mild electric shock and vitamin C, and it must completely restore skin collagen.
We need a night!
What makes the skin while you sleep? She is recovering! Sleep at night allows the skin to reverse the damage from free radicals and start cellular renewal. And the deeper the sleep, the better the results of this update.
Sleep reduces cortisol, a stress hormone, which is responsible for the thinning of the skin, tensile discoloration. Sleep also increases the number of another hormone - melatonin (it is called sleep hormone), which acts as an antioxidant and fights with pigment spots, wrinkles. A good night's sleep may improve specific growth hormones, which restore and regenerate cells that produce collagen. And collagen, as we know, is responsible for skin elasticity and firmness.

Quality skin renewal depends not only on the duration of sleep, but also on its quality. While cells recovery occurs at all stages of sleep, the production of new cells occurs only during deep sleep.

The problem is that not all working women and family are able to provide a deep and prolonged sleep.
Is it possible to somehow cheat the body? There are three pieces of advice:
- As we age, our bodies produce less melatonin is much that affects the self-healing of the skin at night. Therefore invented a special supplement with melatonin. They should be taken 30 minutes before bedtime. Melatonin supplements help to speed up the regenerative processes in the skin.
- During sleep, we lose moisture, but the hydration of cells important to the recovery process of the night went effectively. So be sure to give your skin an extra dose of moisture. Look for night creams with hyaluronic acid, shea butter to the skin does not lose moisture during sleep.
- Keep the moisture inside the skin cells and the entire organism by incorporating snack foods carrying moisture. It watermelons, cucumbers, apples, fruits and vegetables. Then, the night will go better cell recovery.
We need retinol!
Retinol - a new friend of your skin, remember. This component helps to clean the pores, boost collagen production, to align the complexion, smooth wrinkles. But the first results from the use of retinol, you notice only after 4 weeks.
The main difficulty in the application of creams with retinol - is the observance of certain rules. During the first two weeks with retinol cream is applied every third night. Then the skin gets used, and the application can be increased to every other night. If there is no strong peeling, you can proceed to the daily use of the cream. But dryness and flaking - Possible side effects from the use of a cream with retinol. Therefore, dermatologists advise a few minutes after the application of the anti-age cream to apply moisturizer to prevent dryness.

It is worth mentioning, and even some caution if you decide to try a cream with retinol:
- Do not use it if you plan to become pregnant;
- If you use retinol in combination with benzoyl peroxide and alpha gidrokislotami, it will not work, these substances nullify the action of retinol;
- Check the cream for allergic reaction before use;
- Do not use a cream with retinol day, especially in bright sunlight, as the skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight.