Leave pills for insomnia, they are only the patient's head in the morning. You will be able to get rid of insomnia with three simple steps.
Step 1. Prepare for bed.
- Turn off all electrical appliances in the bedroom, including a computer and a TV, 30 minutes before bedtime.
- If you have at home have the ability to regulate the temperature in every room, then half an hour before bedtime, create a comfortable temperature in the bedroom.
- Zashtorte windows, dim the lights, even in the bedroom immediately be dark and quiet.
- If you divert a different sound, buy a device that will block unwanted sounds or emit soothing sound of the waves, rain or snow. Research suggests that if you live in a city noise, the device is able to significantly improve the quality of sleep.

Step 2. Easy breathing.
Breathing exercises help you fall asleep faster. For example, there is a good exercise "4-7-8", it helps to relax the body and the brain. Here's how to do it:
- Lie down in a comfortable position, place the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, and keep well throughout the exercises.
- Exhale completely through your mouth, making a small whistle.
- Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose for a count of 4.
- Hold your breath for a count of 7.
- Exhale completely through your mouth (with a whistle), counting to 8.
- Make 3 more cycles to generally turned a set of four exercises.

Step 3. Grass and hormones.
- The most effective herb for insomnia - valerian. If all else fails, that take advantage of this natural product.
- The hormone that regulates sleep and other daily biorhythms - melatonin. Drugs with melatonin sold in pharmacies.
- If you are taking pills that need to be put under the tongue, then accept them when everything is ready for the night, lying in a dark bedroom. When receiving a one-time permissible preparations of 2, 5 milligrams. With regular use, the dose should be reduced.
