Cucumbers, potatoes, tea bags on your eyes in the morning ... nothing helps? You still colleagues every day asking the question "Do not you get enough sleep? ". Then pay attention to lipofilling.
In a nutshell, the Lipofilling - is filling the voids under the eyes of the patient's own fat. Such a procedure - a good solution for owners of very thin skin under the eyes, which is why they are not suitable for many of the usual braces or gold thread.
Another plus of procedure - is itself filler, which acts as the patient's own fat. And this is the perfect filler, because fat is a native, he is not rejected, and will quietly "live" on life, just in a new place.
What is the lipofilling?
Procedure lipofilinga
Lipofilling takes place in two stages.
- A fence of fat (in a scientific way,
). Typically, treatments for facial fat is taken from the knees. It turns out that the fat in this area is the smallest and is best suited for a person.
Fat is taken using microcannulas - small, very thin needles with holes. The smaller holes on the needle, the smaller the fat cells that were collected at the same time.
But pure fat is too early to carry on the face. Before that it is prepared in a special way. The fat is added to the biomass enriched trombotsetarnoy autoplasma. This allows you to include mechanisms of rejuvenation that after lipofilling effect taut skin was not the time, and the skin itself becomes better and moved up.
Second phase
- Is directly administering the enriched fat in problem areas. The fat is injected even more thin needles (microcannulas). A good surgeon at this point will not harm any of the vial, any nerve puncture is done very carefully and very delicate needle is inserted.

Sick or not?
This is one of the main issues of concern to women, reshivshuyusya to surgery. And it should reassure many. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, so the patient does not feel anything at all. Of course, you should choose a good clinic, where a competent anesthetist will work, as well as pre-tests will be taken to an allergic reaction to the drugs.
As a rule, no discomfort after the operation should not be, except that a small lethargy after emerging from anesthesia.
Rehabilitation period
The second issue, and important to patients: "Will I be able to proceed immediately to their usual life? ". Much decide the individual characteristics of the organism. Someone even refuses to rest after surgery. But overall readings are. Immediately after the procedure is better to spend the night in the hospital to be under the control of professionals, it is going out of anesthesia. But after 12 hours, you can go home. For a while (a few days) the person will be a little swollen, the bridge will be significantly expanded. But after a week and a half, you can go to work, to friends, colleagues, loved ones. Ambient will notice only refreshed look and no longer asks for a sleepless night or an unsuccessful party.

Before and after
Star experience
Lipofilling procedure is not for the secret of many stars. They share their experiences in this field, and even advised to pass it to their fans. For example, so did the lead singer of "City 312" Aya. Singer frankly told his admirers that went to lipofilling. "Dark circles under the eyes - a feature of my body. Which had plagued me all my life. I have an hour makeup to hide them. " That is why Aya decided to lipofilling.
And now Aya calmly preparing to concerts, singing in the dressing room and not applying make-up layers. Moreover, the star said that she was very Lipofilling easy procedure, because after a week and a half after the surgery, she performed a concert in Kiev.

Lipofilling in action
Surely, you have already understood that the procedure for filling the voids fat can be useful not only in the area around the eyes adjust. Lipofilling has been successfully used to fill in any wrinkles on the face (special effects is achieved by filling in nasolabial folds), lip augmentation, and even to adjust the shape of the figure. For example, improved elasticity of the breast, and a small increase in volume by injecting autologous fat - safer procedure, compared with artificial implants.
We can only warn that the quality Lipofilling can do only in good stores with a proven track record. Therefore, the cost of the procedure is often high. The price depends on the size and scope of lipofilinga Star Clinic. In Moscow, the price of lipofilling begins from 15 000 and up to 100 000 and more rubles.